
  1. New UFO Hunter

    UFO video footage in past 2 weeks - Plenty of movement up there!!!

    Hello there everyone, I was bored stiff today so I thought I might do a quick YouTube search for: 'April 2011 UFO'. Here are a few of the considerably better videos in my option that I chanced on - each and every one happen to be filmed in the last 14 days. BTW there were way more which I just...
  2. W

    Spiritually Speaking, would you agree?

    The most spiritual advanced regions on Earth are California/Arizona, France and HawaiiCalifornia/Arizona lead the world in UFO encounters. Comittees in France are ahead of all government in pushing for UFO disclosureHawaii is the Heart-Chakra of our planet. What are your thoughts?
  3. D

    Politics and UFOs -

    Apparantely UFOs are real, according to ABC News interviewed the former Governor of Arizona and did not discount his story about his UFO sighting in Phoenix 10 years ago. On the contrary, they are now giving a detailed account of what he saw with supporting testimony. If the...
  4. M

    How about abandoning science and technology and create temples, churches and meditation communities instead?

    Let's remove all the science books and technology from Earth. Send them to outer space.Discard and forget science and let's build temples and churches to our gods all over the world.Let's devote entire cities to meditation. Change meditation groups into large meditation communities.You will see...
  5. Unhypnotized

    How to Protect Yourself from Radiation

    Washington’s Blog March 18, 2011 Preface: This is written for the millions of people around the world who are worried about radiation from the Japanese nuclear reactors. For those who are not worried about radiation from Japan, you can ignore this post, or save it for any future radiation...
  6. Unhypnotized

    EPA Increases radiation monitoring In U.S.

    Steve Watson March 16, 2011 We have received many questions from readers who are alarmed over a perceived lack of radiation monitoring in the U.S., in the wake of the possibility of radiation from the stricken Japanese nuclear plant reaching both Alaska and the West Coast...

    Astronauts venture outside station on spacewalk

    Two NASA astronauts ventured outside the International Space Station on Monday to prepare the orbital outpost for life after the United States retires its fleet of three space shuttles. Astronauts Stephen Bowen and Alvin Drew, who arrived at the space station on Saturday aboard the shuttle...

    NASA chief: Giffords welcome at husband's launch

    NASA's chief says it would be tremendous for the space shuttle crew and the nation if Rep. Gabrielle Giffords can watch her astronaut husband launch from Cape Canaveral in April. NASA Administrator Charles Bolden says the wounded Giffords would be treated "like a normal spouse" if she could...

    Foot bone shows human ancestor Lucy walked upright

    An arched fossilized foot bone found in Ethiopia shows that human ancestors walked upright 3.2 million years ago and were no longer tree dwellers, said a study Thursday in the journal Science. The bone belongs to a cohort of the famed hominid Lucy, whose species Australopithecus afarensis...
  10. R

    9/11: Falks under attack for questioning ‘official story’

    America’s Ambassador at United Nations, Susan Rice, had demanded on Tuesday that UN expert on Palestinian human-rights, Professor Richard Falk, be fired from his UN job for questioning the 9/11 official story on his BLOG. Richard Falk in his January 11 entry, titled ‘Interrogating the Arizona...
  11. Truth Vibrations

    Fugitive Hells Angels member captured

    -- Paul Merle Eischeid, one of the U.S. Marshals Service's "15 Most Wanted" fugitives, is no longer on the run. Eischeid, 39, was captured Thursday in Buenos Aires by Argentine authorities, according to a statement released by the U.S. Department of Justice. Federal law enforcement officials...
  12. CASPER

    Giffords husband to decide on space trip in mid-February

    The astronaut husband of a U.S. congresswoman seriously wounded when she was shot in head will decide by mid-February whether to join the last NASA shuttle launch as scheduled, the space agency said Sunday. Mark Kelly, the commander of April's Endeavour mission, has been on leave to tend to his...
  13. Unhypnotized

    The Terrorizing Truth About 9/11: It’s Not A Matter of Keeping Secrets, But Maintaining a Grand Myth

    THE EXCAVATOR Jan 31, 2011 The truth about 9/11 is slowly gaining the status of common knowledge, but it’s been a real and frustrating decade-long struggle to set the historical record straight. The are still many people who can’t believe that the Bush administration, and powerful...
  14. R

    9/11: Falks under attack for questioning ‘official story’

    America’s Ambassador at United Nations, Susan Rice, had demanded on Tuesday that UN expert on Palestinian human-rights, Professor Richard Falk, be fired from his UN job for questioning the 9/11 official story on his BLOG. Richard Falk in his January 11 entry, titled ‘Interrogating the Arizona...
  15. Truth Vibrations

    Loughner smiles at hearing; not guilty pleas entered -- A federal judge entered a plea of not guilty Monday on behalf of Jared Lee Loughner to three counts of attempted murder in the mass shooting that wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords earlier this month. After...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Chemtrail Breaking News…the Culprits??

    Chemtrail Breaking News…the Culprits Date Line 1/19/2011 Intelligence Report Gary Richard Arnold Loose Lips Sink Ships and 747s Too A major missing piece of a grand conspiracy has been targeted by a drunk pilot. In a small town 30 miles east of the...
  17. CASPER

    Injured astronaut replaced for next shuttle mission

    NASA is replacing the lead spacewalker for its next shuttle mission after the veteran astronaut was injured in a bike accident over the weekend, officials said on Wednesday. Joining the shuttle Discovery crew in place of Tim Kopra will be Steve Bowen, a two-time shuttle veteran who last flew...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Drunk Pilot talks about Chemtrails: Loose Lips Sink Ships and 747s Too.

    Drunk Pilot talks about Chemtrails Evergreen Air and a Secret Chemtrail Facility
  19. Denise

    Matthew Message - Jan 15th 2011

    The material posted below is sourced from here. This is channelled information in the channel subforum. You have read the big disclaimer above - if not, please do. All of the channeled information that I post is done so in the sincere...
  20. Unhypnotized

    ‘Witch Hunt FBI’ tops google trends as gov’t critics targeted

    Aaron Dykes Prison Friday, January 14, 2011 Great job to our supporters once again, as another search term, ‘Witch Hunt FBI’ has gone viral and reached #1 on Google Trends this Friday, January 14, 2011. The term is intended to bring attention to the fact that following a media...