

    11,500-Year-Old Remains of Cremated 3-Year-Old Discovered

    An archaeological dig in Alaska has uncovered the oldest human remains ever found in Arctic or Subarctic North America – the cremated skeleton of a 3-year-old. The chlid's burned bone fragments were found in a fire pit in the remains of an ancient house near the Tanana River in central Alaska...
  2. Unhypnotized

    The plot to keep you sick

    Hesh Goldstein Natural News March 8, 2011 What would you do if you learned there was a concerted effort to keep you sick? And what would you do if you learned that the way they could do that was by the food that you ate? Would that upset you? Well, be prepared. The best way for me to explain...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Why the Banksters Hate Islam

    Tony Cartalucci Prison Thursday, March 3, 2011 Of course, all aspects of the Old World are slated for elimination, as ancient values, be they of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or even regional secular traditions, all pose a direct threat to the Anglo-American unipolar world...
  4. Lady of Light

    Prophet Dr. Owuor - Threat on Eiffel Tower

    Source: This is a list of some of the many prophecies of the LORD as were prophesied by His Prophet and fulfilled more or less accurately. This prophetic acceleration means that time is over, the Messiah is coming. 1. Asian Tsunami prophesied on 24th...
  5. R

    George Soro: The 51st. Jewish Messiah’

    America’s top Jewish billionaire, George Soro, in an interview with ‘Islamophobe’ Fareed Zakaria on CNN on February 20, 2011 had claimed: “I bet that the Iranian regime is gone in one year”. George Soro runs a network of think tanks, such as International Crisis Group, whose board members...
  6. R

    India: The ‘matchmaker’ between Iran and US

    Neil Padukone is a strategic affairs analyst and a Fellow at Indian think tank Observer Research Foundation (ORF). On February 20, 2011 – The Christian Science Monitor published his article in which he wrote that tighter sanctions and military threats have not swayed the Islamic Republic over...
  7. Truth Vibrations

    Thailand, Cambodia clash along border -- Border skirmishes between Thailand and Cambodia flared for a second day in an ongoing dispute over an ancient Hindu temple, a Thai military official said Wednesday. There were several exchanges of gunfire overnight, according to...

    Kenyan conservationists worried over rising ivory demand

    A slowdown in the increase of Kenya's elephant numbers is raising fears among conservationists that hard-fought gains in saving the animals may be reversed amid growing demand for ivory. An aerial census conducted in the east African country's largest elephant sanctuary last week showed a drop...

    [Wow!] How Egypt could affect the U.S. economy

    Unrest in Egypt Unsettles Global Markets NEW YORK — For investors, it is what is known as an exogenous event — a sudden political or economic jolt that cannot be predicted or modeled but sends shockwaves rippling through global markets. Investors have largely shrugged off several of these...
  10. Truth Vibrations

    Chicago is Hu's last stop on U.S. trip - Chinese President Hu Jintao wraps up his U.S. visit Friday in Chicago, Illinois, the hometown of his counterpart, President Barack Obama. He is scheduled to visit a Chinese-owned auto parts firm, a Chinese wind energy...
  11. Truth Vibrations

    Tucson battles Wild West image after shooting

    - Curtis Acosta's class on Latino literature opened on Monday with a poem: "You are my other me," the high school students said in unison, reciting the words in Spanish and English. "If I do harm to you, I do harm to myself. If I love and respect you, I love and respect myself." It's a simple...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Bindweed Cancer Treatment

    BINDWEED (AN ANGIOGENESIS INHIBITOR) Examples of Patient Reports From The Center The RECNAC team (CANCER spelled backwards) is located in Wichita, KS, at The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning International. A breast cancer survivor of 14 years, who used the Center's approach...
  13. CASPER

    Flash floods hit Australia's third largest city

    1 hr 15 mins ago SYDNEY – Residents of low-lying parts of Australia's third largest city, Brisbane, sandbagged their homes against rising waters Monday as torrential rain exacerbated record floods that have paralyzed the coal industry in the northeast and now threaten tourism. Weather...
  14. CASPER

    Scientists defend Asian carp research methods

    TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. – Scientists whose genetics-based research became a lightning rod in the debate over protecting the Great Lakes from Asian carp have made their case in a newly published article that says at least some of the dreaded invaders have gotten beyond an electric barrier meant to...
  15. Truth Vibrations

    China skyscraper boom portend a property crash?

    – When the Burj Kahlifa officially opened its doors in Dubai last January as the tallest building in the world, the fanfare came weeks after the emirate suffered a debt crash. The building became the latest evidence of the correlation between building booms and economic crashes, popularized in...
  16. Truth Vibrations

    U.S. stocks start 2011 higher

    - The Dow closed at a fresh two-year high Monday, getting the new year off to a strong start, after manufacturing and construction data stoked optimism about the economy. The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) rose 93 points, or 0.8%, closing at 11,670.8 -- its highest level since August 2008...
  17. CASPER

    [Inspiring] Modern Indian History

    ¤ European Influence Over India The period from 1707AD, the year when Aurangzeb died, to 1857, the year of the Indian Uprising, saw the gradual increase of the European influence in India. The Europeans had been filtering into India for a long time before they actually decided to set up shop...
  18. CASPER

    Medieval Indian History

    ¤ The Most Powerful - Cholas For the moment, most of action shifts to the southern peninsula. The most important dynasty to rise out of the southern India was that of the Cholas. Unlike most of the other dynasties (the Chalukyas, the Pallavas, the Pandyas or the Rashtrakutas), their origins...
  19. buttman302

    [FYI] This Day In History December 16

    350th day of 2010 - 15 remaining Thursday, December 16, 2010 PETER RABBIT DAY On this day in 1901, the famous story, Peter Rabbit, by Beatrix Potter, was printed for the first time, complete with Potter’s watercolor illustrations. Ms. Potter had come up with the Peter Rabbit concept eight...
  20. CASPER

    WikiLeaks Reveals Saudi Arabia's Role in Pakistani Affairs

    With CIA drones buzzing over the mountains of Waziristan and billions of American dollars bankrolling Islamabad as Washington demands that more be done to fight the Taliban, it's hardly surprising that Pakistanis obsess about U.S. intervention. But documents from WikiLeaks' vast trove of U.S...