
Truth feeder

Examples of Patient Reports From The Center

The RECNAC team (CANCER spelled backwards) is located in Wichita, KS, at The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning International. A breast cancer survivor of 14 years, who used the Center's approach to fight her disease, altered the name to counter the grim aura that frequently hovers over cancer. Dr. Hugh D. Riordan, RECNAC Project Director, says the key to finding successful treatments for cancer is identifying where to look and being willing to search in unusual places. Dr. Riordan emphasizes the importance of finding ways to nurture and soothe the spirit of the cancer patient as well as the body. The Center, referred to as the Bright Spot for Health, has welcomed thousands of people from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and 40 foreign countries. A hopeful, confident clinical environment tends to assure patients and expedite recovery.
Impressive cancer research is emanating from the Midwest, more specifically Wichita and physician/researcher Hugh Riordan, M.D., and his corroborating team of scientists. The following narrative illustrates why many in the scientific community are excited about their work.

A survivor of ovarian cancer entered the clinic relaying a hopeful story concerning her recovery. Following diagnosis, the woman, concerned with orthodox therapies, independently sought an alternative treatment. The decision to look elsewhere was not difficult because the woman's mother had died 7 years earlier with the same disease and doctors felt the daughter's chances of survival equally bleak.

The woman traveled to Oklahoma where a shaman gave her a tincture of Bindweed (Convolulus arvensis) with instructions to use the substance daily. (Bindweed, a common garden weed, is a bane to farmers.) The woman testified that after using Bindweed for 1 year, her abdomen returned to a normal size. Asymptomatic, she returned to her physician, who after a battery of tests pronounced her cancer-free.

The Riordan team began assays to determine the beneficial properties of Bindweed. Its mode of operation was puzzling because it appeared ineffective at killing tumor cells and only modestly efficient at improving immune function. After nearly 4 years of searching, it was determined that Bindweed bestows its antitumor advantage by inhibiting angiogenesis, a process that restrains (tumor) blood vessel formation. A chaotic vascular system is a common property of malignant tissue. So important is the blood vessel network, tumor cells participate in their own survival by secreting cytokines that develop and sustain the vascular pipeline. Tumor growth requires an adequate supply of blood vessels; robbed of its vascular system, the tumor starves and shrinks and, in some cases, completely disappears. It was determined that Bindweed was about 100 times more effective than shark cartilage (by weight) at inhibiting angiogenesis (Meng et al. 2002).
After identifying proteoglycan molecules (PGMs) as the antitumor property in Bindweed, the chicken egg chorio-allantoic membrane model was used to determine the extent of Bindweed's antiangiogenic activity. About 200 fertilized chicken eggs were prepared to allow a working surface inside the egg. Tumor cells were added that secrete cytokines, eliciting new tumor blood vessel growth. The angiogenesis inhibiting substance was then added and the rate and degree of angiogenesis observed. Scientists concluded that proteoglycan molecules inhibited new tumor blood vessels in a dose dependent manner, that is, results were 18%, 55%, and 73% inhibition at concentrations of 50, 100, and 200 mcg, respectively (Meng et al. 2002).

PGMs were then tested in animal models. B16 melanoma, LS180 (a colon adenocarcinoma), and Lewis Lung carcinoma all showed from 70%-99.5% inhibition of growth. The RECNAC team classed Bindweed as an all-tumor inhibitor, meaning it appears equally effective in inhibiting the progression of all tumors.

The RECNAC team found that when Bindweed was used with an immune stimulant, that is, a nontoxic purified extract of the bacterial cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria and beta 1, 3-glucan, the results were even more remarkable. The combination, referred to as a Muramyl Polysaccharide-Glycan Complex (MPGC), stimulates the immune system in a fashion not unlike that observed when Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), inactivated tuberculosis germ, is used to combat cancer. The muramyl peptides are recognized by the immune system as belonging to a bacterial invader; subsequently, the immune system is activated, mustering a nonspecific attack against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and cancerous cells (Pabst et al.1999). To increase the response, the peptides are linked to mannose-rich polysaccharides, which make it easier for the macrophages to engulf the cell wall for identification and immune activation.

The macrophages are also sensitized to phosphatidylserine and muramic acid, both of which are found preferentially on tumor cells. In essence, the immune system becomes flagged by the identifiable characteristics of the cancer cells and subsequently eliminates the cancer cells.

Muramyl peptides increase tumor destroying mechanisms and up-regulate monocyte cytokine genes (IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-8, tumor necrosis factor, and IL-12) (Allison 1997). Although IL-12 is an immune stimulator, it is one of the most potent angiogenesis inhibitors known (Morini et al. 2004; Strasly et al. 2001).

Note: Pro-inflammatory cytokines are observed in a number of different cancers, even proving predictive of survival. This raises questions regarding safe usage of natural agents that elicit production of both pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines.
According to Dr. C.A. Dinarello (University of Colorado), most of our knowledge regarding pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as IL-1 or TNF) is derived from experiments in which humans or animals have been injected with either a single or a combination of inflammatory cytokines (Dinarello 1997). However, in models of inflammation where several cytokines are produced, specific blockade of either IL-1 or TNF (or both) results in a reduction in the severity of inflammation. This may explain the success of agents that lift expression of many of the family of cytokines, both pro- and anti-inflammatory in nature. Please refer to the section entitled Pro-inflammatory Cytokines in the protocol on Cancer Treatment: The Critical Factors, to learn about the role of cytokines in malignancies.

In addition, MPGC results in the maturation of immature dendritic cells. This is significant because immature dendritic cells initiate the immune response by engulfing abnormal cells. After identifying the foreign antigen, dendritic cells mature to present the information to T-cells to initiate the fight. Unfortunately, cancer cells possess a survival wit, that is, they can hide from the immune system by lacking identifiable antigens on their cell surfaces; the task becomes doubly difficult as some cancers can suppress dendritic cell maturation. Please consult the Cancer Vaccines protocol to learn how dendritic cells can be trained to identify cancer cells and gear up an attack. The other component of MPGC is beta 1,3-glucan (made from fungus cell walls). Beta 1,3 D-glucan is independently able to increase the activity of macrophage, potentiating detoxification, internal hygiene, and defense against cancer cells.


* Pancreatic cancer: A woman presented at the clinic with a very large pancreatic mass with metastasis to the liver. During earlier surgery, a biopsy identified a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma at the head of the pancreas. The liver was described as full of tumors, rock-hard, and palpable at the level of the umbilicus (or navel). Dr. Riordan began an IV of vitamin C and pancreatic enzymes. At the 2-month interval, although the woman was alive, the tumors showed no signs of regression. At that time, Bindweed was added to the protocol. Within 8 days, the tumor felt softer to the touch, and within a couple of weeks, the tumor shrinkage was dramatic. Simultaneously, laboratory values dramatically improved. Bilirubin reduced from 18 mg/dL-1.2 mg/dL. Liver enzymes and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) became normal after being in the thousands. The woman's edema disappeared and the tumorous mass showed a 90% reduction. At last account, the woman continued to do well using Bindweed, MPGC, and pancreatic enzymes.

* Colon cancer: A man with colon cancer, having a 5-cm perispinal and a 6-cm pericervical metastasis, was scheduled for radiation therapy. After using Bindweed and MPGC for 5 weeks, the large neck metastasis disappeared.
Suggested dosage: As therapy, Neil Riordan, scientist/spokesperson for the center, says that it appears better to start with an initial high dose, that is, 6 capsules a day of Bindweed (250 mg) and 6 of MPGC (containing 250 mg of lactobacillus fermentum and 50 mg of beta 1,3 glucan). For maintenance, use 4 capsules a day of both Bindweed and MPGC. A critical judgment has to be made in regard to how long to keep a patient on the therapy and at what dosage.

Oral doses of Bindweed displayed no acute toxicity at 20,000 mg/kg (well above the therapeutic range); MPGC showed no acute toxicity at amounts > 5000 mg/kg. Although these products display extremely low toxicity profiles, this regime should be used with the supervision of a physician. In particular, pregnant and nursing women, as well as individuals with active wounds or heart disease, should exercise caution. Various inflammatory conditions, such as autoimmune problems, could possibly be made worse by supplementation. It is suggested that patients discontinue Bindweed 2 weeks before and after surgery.

Warning: Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) contains several alkaloids, including pseudotropine, and lesser amounts of tropine, tropinone, and meso-cuscohygrine, and is toxic to mice. Mice fed only field bindweed had severe hepatic necrosis and gastritis with ulceration or erosions and eventually died. Mice fed low doses of bindweed along with standard laboratory mouse diet for 6 or 8 weeks had no clinical disease or gross lesions on necropsy examination but did have histologic lesions of mild multifocal hepatitis and gastritis (Schultheiss et al. 1995).

These products can be purchased from Aidan, Inc. by telephone at (800) 529-0269. Bindweed is sold as C-Statin and MPGC is sold as ImmKine. (A tape authenticating material presented is available at Allergy Research, [800] 545-9960.) weblink:www.lef.org/protocols/prtcl-152.shtml#bindweed

Bindweed is 100 times more effective by weight against benign and malignant tumors than is shark cartilage.

Convolvulus arvensis is a nightmare for farmers wherever it grows. Any commercial/phytochemical processing procedure which makes use of the bindweed plant could become worthwhile for people everywhere.

Bindweed flourishes throughout the world, including all over Europe, in China and other Asian countries, and in the western hemisphere from northern Canada to near the southern end of South America. Farmers have actually nicknamed bindweed "the cancer of weeds," because this twining vine from the morning-glory family wraps itself around useful plants such as corn and wheat: It eats up the nutrient supply of worthwhile grain crops and other human food plants. The twining vine chokes them to death.

Therefore to harvest bindweed for some advantageous purpose is an act of great goodness that contributes to living organisms all over the planet. From within the tissues of this ubiquitous killer weed an extract may be produced consisting of a powerful therapeutic component, Proteoglycan Mixture (PGM). It is beneficial for cancerous tumors because PGM is antiangiogenic. The proteoglycan mixture has been tested and found to be more than 100 times more effective by weight against benign and malignant tumors than is shark cartilage. The PGM angiogenesis inhibitor is manufactured as a food supplement and distributed as a commercial nutritional adjunctive capsule under the brandname, VascuStatin.

Bindweed Comes to the Attention of Riordan and Riordan

As I have described, a tincture ofbindweed had restored the Tulsa, Oklahoma teacher, Myrna Simone Corbette, to full recovery, and her diagnosing oncologist later found that just one year after she had last consulted him no sign of ovarian cancer or its metastases remained in her body. She thanked providence and felt blessed that the Indian medicine man possessed the knowledge of bindweed.

Then, in 1994 Ms. Corbette learned about an oncological father-and-son research team to whom she could tell her story. She thought it would be useful for other people to know that an alternative method of healing cancer, something less toxic and unnatural than chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery does exist. So, still teaching and full of joyful living, she related her experience to Riordan and Riordan.

The Father and Son Oncological Researchers
These two highly astute phytochemical researchers for cancer remedies, the father, psychiatrist/orthomolecular medicine specialist Hugh D. Riordan, MD, and his very knowledgeable son, physician's assistant Neil H. Riordan, PA-C, are providing health care professionals with new techniques for combatting cancer. Both of them are now or have been biochemical scientists at the BioCommunications Research Institute, a division of the Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning in Wichita, Kansas. Neil H. Riordan, who worked at the Center for 14 years, currently conducts his separate clinical practice devoted to applying adjunctive nutritional therapy for cancer patients at the Aidan Clinic of Tempe, Arizona.

The Riordans' investigative works-in-progress involve licensing their various discoveries, including (a) the application of vitamin C to eliminate malignancy and (b) the benefits of prescribing certain additional nutrients to dramatically lower the possible LD50 (median Lethal Dose) of IV-C (Intra Venous vitamin C) for doing away with cancer cells. This article discusses bindweed herbal extract, just one of their major anticancer developments. A future Medical Journalist Report of Innovative Biologics column will report on another of the Riordans' nature-derived breakthroughs against mutagenic cell growth, Muramyl Polysaccharide-Glycan Complex (MPGC).

Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients
If you know the homeopathic doctrine of signatures it is clear to see that bindweed could be a good choice in cancer treatment.