

    Astronomers over the Moon about Apertif

    The ability to simultaneously detect radio signals of two widely separated pulsars ushers in a new era in radio astronomy. Astronomers at ASTRON have, by simultaneously detecting the radio signals of two widely separated pulsars, demonstrated the feasibility of new receiver technology that will...

    Planet from another galaxy discovered

    Galactic cannibalism brings an exoplanet of extragalactic origin within astronomers' reach. An exoplanet orbiting a star that entered our Milky Way from another galaxy has been detected by a European team of astronomers using the MPG/ESO 2.2-meter telescope at the European Southern...
  3. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Parallel Universe by Michio Kaku - all about LISA 2011

    LISA spacecraft The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is a planned space mission to detect and accurately measure gravitational waves from astronomical sources. LISA is a joint effort between the United States space agency NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA). LISA was recommended...

    NASA's Webb Space Telescope Mired By Budget Woes From the Start

    The delays and billion-dollar cost overruns afflicting NASA's next-generation space telescope stem from long-standing budgeting and management problems that began nearly a decade ago, an independent review panel has found. NASA's James Webb Space Telescope can launch no earlier than September...

    Cosmic curiosity reveals ghostly glow of dead quasar

    Hanny’s Voorwerp represents a snapshot in time that reveals clues about the life cycle of black holes. While sorting through hundreds of galaxy images as part of the Galaxy Zoo citizen science project 2 years ago, Dutch schoolteacher and volunteer astronomer Hanny van Arkel stumbled upon a...

    Neutron stars may be too weak to power some gamma-ray bursts

    A gamma-ray burst (GRB) is an immensely powerful blast of high-energy light thought to be generated by a collapsing star in a distant galaxy, but what this collapse leaves behind has been a matter of debate. A new analysis of four extremely bright bursts observed by NASA's Fermi satellite...
  7. S

    Anyone know anything about the hollow earth theory?

    Anyone know anything about the hollow earth theory?
  8. Unhypnotized

    Scientists announce planet bounty – 32 exoplanets

    Astronomers have announced a haul of planets found beyond our Solar System. The 32 “exoplanets” ranged in size from five times the mass of Earth to 5-10 times the mass of Jupiter, the researchers said. They were found using a very sensitive instrument on a 3.6m telescope at the European...
  9. Unhypnotized

    PALENQUE and The 13 MOON MAyan Calendar- Importance

    A brief Info for the those who still don't know the mystic relevance of the Mayan Calendar. History The name Palenque (Palisade) is Spanish and has no relation to the city’s ancient name, which may have been Lakamha (Big Water). Palenque was first occupied around 100 BC, and...
  10. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Quotes by Famous People

    UFO Quotes from famous people including presidents, politicians and military people etc. Government Leaders President Harry S. Truman , 1950: "I can assure you that flying saucers -- given that they exist -- are not constructed by any power on Earth." President Dwight D. Eisenhower...
  11. Unhypnotized


    Here is a link to a live feed of the AuroraMax Observatory in Canada. Camera will go online at dusk. Enjoy! :happy: CSA - AuroraMAX Project - Live broadcast of the Northern Lights from Yellowknife
  12. Unhypnotized

    Mysterious force holds back Nasa probe in deep space

    Researchers say Pioneer 10, which took the first close-up pictures of Jupiter before leaving our solar system in 1983, is being pulled back to the sun by an unknown force. The effect shows no sign of getting weaker as the spacecraft travels deeper into space, and scientists are considering the...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Evidence-based vaccinations: A scientific look at the missing science behind flu seas

    Mike Adams Natural News Thursday, September 2, 2010 (NaturalNews) As someone with a good deal of education in scientific thinking and the scientific method, I have put considerable effort into attempting to find any real scientific evidence backing the widespread use of influenza vaccines (flu...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Massive solar storm to hit Earth in 2012 with ‘force of 100m bombs’

    ANI Friday, August 27, 2010 Astronomers are predicting that a massive solar storm, much bigger in potential than the one that caused spectacular light shows on Earth earlier this month, is to strike our planet in 2012 with a force of 100 million hydrogen bombs. Several US media outlets have...
  15. R

    Mystery object in starburst galaxy M82 possible micro-quasar

    Mystery object in starburst galaxy M82 possible micro-quasar The object in M82, which appeared very suddenly in radio wavelengths and shows no signs of going away, does not appear to be like anything that has been seen in the Milky Way. Provided by Royal Astronomical Society, U.K. Spitzer...
  16. Unhypnotized

    AMS/NWA sponsored survey of TV weathercasters: 63% Believe Global Warming is Mostly N

    Watts Up With That? March 30, 2010* Only 4% trust politicians on climate change information. In January and February 2010, using a web-based method, we surveyed all broadcast TV members of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and the National Weather Association (NWA) using member...
  17. day

    Astronomers discover 90 per cent more universe

    Astronomers know that many surveys of the universe miss a large proportion of their targets, but a new survey has found that 90 per cent of galaxies have gone undetected. Traditional surveys use light emitted by hydrogen, known as the Lyman-alpha line, to probe the number of stars in the...
  18. New UFO Hunter

    8-9 Feet Entity Observed In Open Space Shuttle Pay Load Bay

    'We are Not Alone', says NASA Veteran by Clark McClelland March 12, 2010 "In 1991, while monitoring a space shuttle mission, in the secret Mission Control Center at the Kennedy Space Center, I was flabbergasted to observe an entity that was eight to nine feet in height in the open Space Shuttle...
  19. CASPER

    Lava likely made river-like channel on Mars

    Flowing lava can carve or build paths very much like the riverbeds and canyons etched by water, and this probably explains at least one of the meandering channels on the surface of Mars. Whether channels on Mars were formed by water or by lava has been debated for years, and the outcome is...
  20. CASPER

    Phobos flyby success

    Mars Express encountered Phobos last night, smoothly skimming past at just 42 miles (67 kilometers), the closest any man-made object has ever approached Mars' enigmatic moon. The data collected could help unlock the origin of not just Phobos but other "second generation" moons. Something is not...