
  1. Truth Vibrations

    2 Toronto officers convicted of assault

    Two members of the Toronto police force have been convicted of assault. The officers, Edward Ing and John Cruz, were found guilty of assaulting Richard Moore — a disabled man — outside his home on the night of April 24, 2009. Moore, 58, became verbally abusive when the police tried to arrest...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Riots Explode in Egypt As Prople Protest Against The Government!!!

    More than 90,000 Egyptians agreed on Facebook to turn out for a "day of revolution" to mark Police Day, a national holiday. Hundreds of thousands turned out for the protests around the country. As reported here!
  3. Truth Vibrations

    Evidence retested in Amanda Knox case -- Amanda Knox, the American convicted in December 2009 of the sexual assault and murder of her British roommate in Italy, is "cautiously optimistic" as she begins the lengthy appellate process in Perugia...

    HEPA Filter May Improve Air Near Wood-Burning Stoves

    HEPA filters may help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease caused by exposure to indoor air pollution, a new study suggests. Canadian researchers looked at 45 adults from 25 homes in a small community where wood-burning stoves were the main sources of pollution. HEPA (high-efficiency...

    Canadian stem cell pioneer dies

    WASHINGTON (AFP) – Ernest McCulloch, a Canadian researcher who was part of a team that first proved the existence of stem cells more than five decades ago died this week at the age of 84, his colleagues said Friday. McCulloch and his research partner James Till together created the first...
  6. R

    Is Bishop Tutu ‘anti-Semite’ and ‘a bigot’?

    David Hersch, vice-chairman of the South African Zionist Federation, who a few days ago had defended his invitation to Israeli war criminal, the leader of Opposition in Knesset, Tzipi Livni, to visit South Africa on moral grounds – has now demanded that the Nobel Peace Laureate, Archbishop...
  7. Truth Vibrations

    Norbourg victims to get $55 million

    Norbourg fraud victims Michel Vézina, left, and Wilhelm Pellmans, centre, join Jacques Larochelle, a lawyer for the plaintiffs, at a news conference Wednesday in Montreal. Investors who lost money in the Norbourg investment scam will recover it all, Quebec's securities regulator says. An...

    Mice study shows breakthrough in treating fetal defects

    US researchers have discovered why fetal stem cell transplants, once considered a promising field for treating congenital defects before birth, were failing: it was all mother's fault. But mom's cells could also be the solution, according to a study on mice released Tuesday in the Journal of...

    New hope for hepatitis C, an often hidden disease

    There's new hope for an overlooked epidemic: Two powerful drugs are nearing the market that promise to help cure many more people of liver-attacking hepatitis C — even though most who have the simmering infection don't know it yet. Surprisingly, two-thirds of hepatitis C sufferers are thought...
  10. Truth Vibrations

    Brazilian flood death toll nears 600

    -- The death toll from flooding caused by torrential rains in Brazil's Rio de Janeiro state rose to 591 people Saturday, Brazil's official news agency reported. Most of the deaths were reported in the cities of Nova Friburgo and Teresopolis, located in a mountainous region northeast of Rio...
  11. R

    Zionism: Israeli Ambassador vs Spanish academic

    “This Israeli state had its origin in a brilliant conspiracy that leveraged the power of the very peoples who hated the Jews. The Zionists made a compact with their ancient tormentors: We will rid you of your Jews if you help us to establish a Jewish colonial-settler state in Palestine. In...
  12. CASPER

    Copying biotech medicine attracts more drugmakers

    More drugmakers are seeing potential in the business of producing copycat versions of expensive biotechnology drugs as U.S. guidelines take shape. The topic was at the forefront of plans discussed by several executives at this week's JP Morgan healthcare conference in San Francisco. Kevin...
  13. CASPER

    Palin charges critics with 'blood libel'

    Sarah Palin released a video statement Wednesday calling the rush to pin blame on conservatives for the shooting in Tucson, Ariz., a “blood libel.” “Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own,” she said. “They begin and end with the criminals who commit them.” In the eight-minute video...
  14. Unhypnotized

    David Icke on attempts to discredit him and others for getting too close to the truth

    David Icke talks with Jack Blood on Deadline Live: Click here to listen... Source: David Icke on attempts to discredit him and others for getting too close to the truth
  15. Truth Vibrations

    Loughner's family: 'We are so very sorry'

    -- The parents of Jared Lee Loughner, suspected in the Tucson, Arizona, shootings that left six people dead and U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords critically wounded, said Tuesday they do not know why the incident occurred and that they are "very sorry" for the loss felt by victims' families. The...
  16. Truth Vibrations

    B.C. Mountie suspended after kicking incident A Kelowna, B.C., RCMP officer who was caught on video kicking a suspect in the face has been suspended with pay. Const. Geoff Mantler had already been limited to administrative duties after he was...
  17. Unhypnotized

    DNA, Ancestral memory , Cellular memory Ancestral Memories and History Stored in DNA "We all know that the human genome and DNA contributes to the division of cells that "know" how to divide and make up different parts of the human body. Some cells develop into the brain and...
  18. CASPER

    Genes predict hair colour, say scientists

    Samples of DNA can give a high-probability estimate of someone's hair colour, a finding that will be a boon for forensic scientists, according to a new study published on Tuesday. DNA taken from blood, sperm, saliva or skin cells can determine with more than 90-percent accuracy whether a person...
  19. CASPER

    US approves new trial of embryonic stem cells on blindness

    US biotech company Advanced Cell Technology said Monday it was cleared by the government to start its second trial using human embryonic stem cells to treat blindness, this time in older people. The trial will examine the therapy's ability to safely treat people with a condition known as dry...
  20. CASPER

    Stem cell research breaks new ground in 2010

    Two US companies this year broke new ground by winning regulatory approval to start the first experiments using embryonic stem cells on humans suffering from spinal cord injury and blindness. The potent but hotly debated cells can transform into nearly any cell in the human body, opening a path...