
  1. Lady of Light

    The Way to Delusion - Buddha

    "Do not give up your authority and follow blindly the will of others. This will only lead to delusion." - Buddha
  2. R

    Pat Robertson: ‘Destroy Buddha statue’

    The Zionist-controlled mainstream media will never tell you that the 65 million pro-Israel Evangelists are in fact worse than Afghan Taliban when it comes to the distortion of their religious scriptures. Recently, one of America’s top Evangelic religious leaders, pastor Pat Robertson was asked...
  3. Denise

    Now we are free : The Universe

    The Universe is defined as everything that physically exists: the entirety of space and time, all forms of matter, energy and momentum, and the physical laws and constants that govern them. However, the term "universe" may be used in slightly different contextual senses, denoting such...
  4. Denise

    Quotes By Jiddu Krishnamurti

    I really like this guy's quotes, so electrifying:
  5. Denise

    Words of the Buddha: How to Develop a Healthy Sceptical Attitude

    Here's what the Buddha states in regards to the importance of skepticism. This is how the Buddha replied to the villagers of Kalama, when they asked him how to evaluate philosophy and develop a healthy, skeptical attitude:
  6. Denise

    Truth Transmissions ~ Mind vs.The Brain ~ Galactic-Free-Press ~ January 7, 2012

    ~THE REAL INFORMATION~Reeducating Humanity~ ~Truth Transmissions~1~7~11 ~Very Valuable Information to assist in Humanity's True Awakening~ ~The programmed ego mind aka unconsciousness and the Brain = Full Consciousness~ The mind and the Brain are not the same thing FAR FROM...
  7. Denise

    Weekly LightBlast: Knowing Divinity ~ Jamye Price

    We are in the final weeks before the 11/11/11 and gearing up for a powerful activation and opening. More and more we are being called to our Divine disposition so that we are emanating through the example of balance within chaos. As Lightworkers and Wayshowers, we are integrating the...
  8. Denise

    Birthing the Starchild into Cosmic Consciousness ~ Archangel Michael

    Beloved Family of Light, once again it is with Joy and Pleasure that we welcome you into this Space of Light and Higher Consciousness. You have been through many changes in the last weeks, and now the energy begins to settle as you move into the Deep Peace and Light of the Wesak Full Moon...
  9. D

    Would you attend a Buddhist meditation service if it had free weed?

    Buddha once spoke of the Bowl of Jade. In Oriental cultures the relaxing effects of thc have been noted as compatible with an understanding of meditation and nature.
  10. C

    How do I do zen meditation by myself in my home?

    How do I do zen meditation by myself in my home?I used to do it in a zen center, but I can't really afford to drive back and forth to a zen center. Can I just sit zazen on my couch or what? I have a Buddha and incense, should I make an alter or what?If you are going to say something involving...
  11. CASPER


    Though reluctant when his mother insists on joining the sangha the Buddha admits women too are capable of stream-entering reading these words it is not that suddenly I enter the stream it is more that I become aware of its coolness and of myself...
  12. CASPER


    Stream-Entering Though reluctant when his mother insists on joining the sangha the Buddha admits women too are capable of stream-entering reading these words it is not that suddenly I enter the stream it is more that I become aware of its coolness and of...
  13. CASPER


    Stream-Entering Though reluctant when his mother insists on joining the sangha the Buddha admits women too are capable of stream-entering reading these words it is not that suddenly I enter the stream it is more that I become aware of its coolness and of...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Defiant Rand Paul Slams “Disgraceful” Opponent In Kentucky Debate

    Refuses to shake Conway’s hand after Democrat’s repeated smear attempts Steve Watson Prisonplanet.com Monday, Oct 18th, 2010 Would be Kentucky Senator Rand Paul refused to shake the hand of his opponent last night in response to a new campaign ad that Democrat Jack Conway is running...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Climate Action Kit Complete with Religious Symbolism

    Matt Ryan Infowars.com September 20, 2010 I consider myself to be a pretty economical and sensible guy when it comes to taking care of the world around me. I buy mostly pre-owned or electronic books, recycle when I can, and donate my old clothes and electronics to be enjoyed by others. What...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Rare Buddha's Halo Appears Over Mountain in China

    08-21-2010 04:25 AM 'The phenomenon appeared over the Huang Mountain in Huangshan, Anhui province of China after rain today. Buddha is often depicted with a halo around his head. The rainbow is a natural phenomenon of atmospheric optics. It is formed by the diffuse reflection and diffraction...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Psychic Self-Defense From Energy, Entities and Much More

    By Dr Joshua David Stone www.iamuniversity.ch/Psychic...-Defense This chapter may be one of the most important in this entire book. Instead of calling this chapter psychic self defense, I could also have called it, "How to build a strong physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual immune...
  18. day

    Martial Arts from around the world - Kalari Payattu, - India

    Kalari Payattu, Martial Arts - India
  19. mrwupy


    We all have ideas and beliefs we live by. Some were taught to us and others we picked up along the way. Some we have no clue as to where they came from and yet we still accept them as a part of us. And still others seem to come from out of the blue, as if a gift from the heavens. This little...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Airline bomber suspect ?defended Taliban?

    Stephen Adams London Telegraph Sunday, Dec 27th, 2009 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian accused of trying to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253, defended the Taliban in classroom discussions, his high school teacher has said. Abdulmutallab, now 23, believed the Taliban were “right and...