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    Political Islam vs ‘Jewish identity politics’

    The other day, I read a very long article publshed in Red Scribblings blog in which the writer tried in vain to make a comparison between “Political Islam and Jewish identity politics” while discussing Gilad Atzmon’s latest book ‘The Wandering Who’. The writer who claims to represent the...
  2. SaLuSa ~ A Magnificent Achievement ~ Let No One Divert You ~ November 21, 2011

    Once you have made up your mind where you are going, let no one divert you from your goal and know that you have been preparing for this period for a long time. You have come this far and should by now know exactly what you have been working towards. Your karma should to all intents and...
  3. Speed of light theory challenged

    "Scientists are becoming more confident that they will be able to contradict Einstein's assertion that nothing can travel faster than light, after carrying out another test. Italian physicists first made the startling claim in September but have now repeated an adapted version of their...
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    Kissinger calls fellow Jews ‘bastards’

    On November 18, 2011 – Israeli daily Haaretz claimed that former US secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, had called his fellow Jews as “self-serving bastards“. Former US Secretary of State (1973-77), Henry (Heinz) Kissinger, has an interesting history of relation with Israel and the Jewish...
  5. (Kerry Cassidy) Whistleblower - (Chemically-Laced Contrails) hidden in Airliner..!

    REPOSTED HERE FROM A NEWSLETTER I RECEIVED CALLED "GOOD VIBES.." For reasons you will understand as you read this I can not divulge my identity. I am an aircraft mechanic for a major airline. I work at one of our maintenance bases located at a large airport. I have discovered some information...
  6. CERN - Magnets Damaged by Black Hole - Chris Everard - Truth Frequency

    "CERN admits black hole ripped in space by Large Hadron Collider by Rich Bowden - Apr 1 2009" Part 1 Part 2
  7. FAA Instructions to Staff on UFO Sightings Debunk Cover-Up Claims

    Early this year, the FAA issued a series of new changes to its official Air Traffic Organization Policy page 25. Specifically, this release was related to “air traffic control procedures and phraseology for use by personnel providing air...
  8. Sheldan Nidle ~ Your World Is Ever Deeper into Transformation ~ November 8, 2011

    9Eb, 5 Xul, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Your world is moving ever deeper into transformation. A wide range of activities to bring about change are making headway, despite the best efforts of the dark cabal to crush opposition to several tyrants who are bent on keeping an iron grip on their...
  9. SaLuSa ~ Beacons of Light in the Darkness ~ October 21, 2011

    The worldwide uprising continues to grow and will result in gains for the people. Not too long ago such demonstrations would have been quickly put down by force if necessary, as governments are scared of situations where you have mobilized yourselves into powerful groups. We have always...
  10. SaLuSa ~ Your Divine Rights & The City of Light of Sedona ~ October 7, 2011

    If you did not know by now that the final days of the dark Ones are here you will very soon, as some of our activities to curtail their attempts to escape justice are likely to become general knowledge. Be assured that we have total control in these matters, and they will not go anywhere without...
  11. SaLuSa ~ Energy for Change is Sweeping the World ~ October 5, 2011

    In next to no time you will be reaching that magical 11.11.11, when each soul will be lifted up whether they are aware of it or not. It will help calm situations that are causing concern, as we do not wish to see the Middle East conflicts accelerated. What has been happening is the result of...
  12. SaLuSa ~ By Creator's Decree ~ October 3, 2011

    Our craft are seen in your skies so frequently now, that Disclosure is hardly necessary where proof of our existence is required. The days of covering up our presence are pointless, and when some of your astronauts are prepared to acknowledge it we wonder what more the sceptics want as proof...
  13. Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist

    Source: Merely attempting to engage in debate and argumentation inevitably ends up in 1, then 2 or all undertaking some of these practices. Once applied collectively, regularly, do they point without any doubt to planned disinfo? 1)...
  14. Amazement As Speed Of Light 'Is Broken Was Einstein Wrong?

    Scientists at the world's largest physics lab think they may have proved Albert Einstein's theory of relativity wrong - by breaking the speed of light. Experts at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland believe they have clocked...
  15. SaLuSa ~ Duality is Only the Tip of the Iceberg ~ Laura Tyco ~ September 13, 2011

    Laura: Good morning SaLuSa . This is the first question: “My question/concern for SaLuSa is since none of us is really aware of our soul’s contracts, how do we know if we will be ascending with Mother Earth or not. I feel I was led to this information for a reason, but part of me is concerned...
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    Anna Hazare: ‘India’s new Gandhi’

    India’s Hindu extremists (Hindutva) politicians, the middle class, upper-caste Hindus and some Bollywood fatcats have turned an unknown old man, Anna Hazare 74, into a modern Gandhi. The ‘title’ has been bestowed upon him for his so-called ‘fast to death’ in April 2011 – in protest against...
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    Rep. King: ‘Thou shalt not make movie on OBL’

    “The moral standing of the IRA (a terrorist organization) is equal to that of the British army,” said Rep. Peter King in 1995. Rep. King who as Chair of the Congressional Committee on Homeland Security has been holding investigations to question American Muslims’ loyalty to the country they...
  18. US sees $32 bn in 2011 weather-related losses

    Extreme weather across the United States, from huge floods to deadly tornadoes, has led to $32 billion in economic losses so far this year, the director of the National Weather Service said Thursday. "It has been a costly year for extreme weather," Jack Hayes told reporters on a teleconference...
  19. Red Ice Radio - Maurice Cotterell - FutureScience, The Cycles of the Sun & 2012

    Author, Engineer and Scientist, Maurice Cotterell will discuss his latest book, FutureScience. FutureScience explains several topics such as how electricity and magnetism work together to produce the force of gravity, why the atom is comprised of 8 orbital shells, the nature of so-called 'dark...
  20. Gore Announces New Campaign and Worldwide Event to Re-energize Global Warming Hysteria

    Noel Sheppard Newsbusters July 13, 2011 Nobel laureate Al Gore must be noticing the public’s continued lack of concern for his money making myth about carbon dioxide destroying the planet. On Tuesday, he*announced a new campaign and worldwide event to re-energize global warming hysteria: Today...