
  1. Unhypnotized

    CIA Can Withhold Oklahoma City Documents

    UPI Friday, April 2, 2010 A federal judge in Utah ruled in favor of the CIA in the agency’s refusal to release documents regarding the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups Tuesday refused to order the agency to hand over the documents to Salt Lake City lawyer...
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    Ancient city of Troy exposed

    Ancient city of Troy exposed January 12, 2010 13:41 TUBINGEN - German archaeologists have near the ruins of Troy in modern Turkey parts of the ancient port city Sigeion exposed. © Reuters The excavations are important, because the city was the nerve center of trade in the region...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Underwater City found in Caribbean!

    This morning MSNBC announced that "An ancient advanced city has been found at the bottom of the ocean in the Caribbean." So, here are the articles and photo's to back it up: Article 1 Previously undiscovered ancient city found on Caribbean sea floor Article 2 More from Caribbean site...
  4. Unhypnotized

    City of Houston is Bankrupt (So are California, Oregon, and Pension Plans in General)

    City of Houston is Bankrupt (So are California, Oregon, and Pension Plans in General) By: Mish Shedlock Global Economic Trend Analysis Houston, we have a problem. We are bankrupt. That is the finding of Bob Lemer, CPA, Retired Partner at Ernst & Young; Aubrey M. Farb, CPA, Retired Partner at...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Archaeologists Discover a Parthian City in North Khorasan Province

    LONDON, (CAIS) — The discovery and identification of remains of a city dating back to Parthian dynasty (248 BCE- 224 CE) in the Dargaz Subprovince in Northern Khorasan province has been announced by Mohsen Lashgari, the director of provincial Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organisation, reported...

    Building collapse in Pakistan's Karachi kills 21

    KARACHI, Pakistan – A five-story building collapsed in the southern Pakistani city of Karachi, killing at least 21 people, mostly women and children, authorities said Saturday. Local Mayor Mohammad Dilawar, who was supervising the rescue work, said the building caved in late Friday in the...

    In the City of the Partisans

    I. Open your arms O city of partisans. Welcome him with thorns or with stones. Bind his arms above his head, stretch them into an archway to the grave, tattoo upon his head graven images, brand him with glowing coals and let the flames consume Mihyar. II. More than an olive tree, more than a...
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    Taps off for two million in water-starved Mexico City

    April 9th, 2009 in Breaking News Taps off for two million in water-starved Mexico City. Some two million residents of Mexico City on Thursday began 36 hours without water under an emergency plan over Easter vacation to respond to a record drop in water supply and to work on repairs. The cuts...
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    East Ridge And Freedom Of Information

    East Ridge And Freedom Of Information posted March 17, 2009 Once again, Curtis Adams proves his heart is truly aligned with the people he serves. I follow Freedom of Information Act cases, and having once worked as a reporter in Northwest Georgia years ago, often wrote about the very type of...
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    Mexico sending 5000 troops to besieged city

    February 27th, 2009 in Breaking News FREE PRESS INTERNATIONAL Home About FPI Global Emergency Targeted Populations Mexico sending 5000 troops to besieged city - World - Sunday Star-Times. Mexico is sending up to 5000 new troops and federal police to the country’s most violent city, where...
  11. R

    Empire of the City

    sorry tryig to post the third segment of empire of the city but the link has been removed sorry.Hows it going Rumas just relized you had this link already on the site.
  12. R

    Empire of the City

    Aspertame and agenda 21 YouTube - Fluoride, Aspartame and Agenda 21 *see description*