

    Weather control - It's still sci fi, but...

    That oft-vaunted idea of controlling the weather -- it's one science fiction topic that (unlike so many others) remain firmly beyond our control. We, and our technologies, remain "puny" compared to the energies of global circulation, sunlight, oceans, and the other forces that drive the chaotic...
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    VIDEO: Thought Control on the American Campus

    April 16th, 2009 in Breaking News, Mind Control VIDEO: Thought Control on the American Campus YouTube - Think What We Think…Or Else: Thought Control on the American Campus. In 2007, the University of Delaware’s Office of Residence Life used mandatory activities to coerce students to change...
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    Architects of Control

    March 23rd, 2009 in Allegations, Breaking News, Mind Control Architects of Control VIDEO: Architects of Control Program One - Mass Control & Future of Mankind. This Documentary film produced by Michal Tsarion and Blue Fire...
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    Michael Tsarion - Architects of Control Wednesday, March 4, 2009

    Michael Tsarion - Architects of Control Wednesday, March 4, 2009 Michael Tsarion's new documentary "Architects of Control" has finally been ripped onto YouTube for all to see. This is a very uniquely-styled truth video taking a new approach to exposing the elite's war on consciousness...
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    Obama gun control 2009

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