
  1. D

    TWA Flight 800, Pan Am Flight Crash Failed Attacks

    Schooner, Scotland — According to truth seekers in conspiracy communities, the mysterious sabotages of both TWA Flight 800 and Pan Am Flight 103 operated as false flag crash attacks, but the operation failed.
  2. New UFO Hunter

    Hangar 1 The UFO Files Crashes and Cover-Ups

    Perhaps the best one I have seen to date.
  3. 100th Monkey

    School Children investigate mock 'spaceship crash'?

    Why would they want to do this? It even had a fake news broadcast?? Are they getting them prepared for something? Children investigate 'spaceship crash' at York primary school Source:
  4. Linda Brown

    THREE Crashes?

    It has been brought to my attention that there were possibly THREE crashes during the time element around the famous Rosewell " crash" and the question has come up.... was there perhaps a technology existing at the time that was able to " bring down" these various crafts.... and if so.... and it...
  5. Truth Vibrations

    Woman dies in multi-vehicle Trans-Canada crash

    RCMP are advising people to stay off the highways after heavy snowfall and blizzard warnings were issued across much of Alberta and Saskatchewan. A multi-vehicle collision on the Trans-Canada Highway east of Calgary killed one person Saturday. A Greyhound bus, three semis and six cars were...
  6. New UFO Hunter

    Downed UFO Videos

    Please post downed or crashed UFO's here: Ex-USAF pilot says he chased a UFO across Texas and watched it crash on the Texas-Mexico border near Del Rio, Texas. Dont know if this is real , from the kgb ufo files Real UFO Crash This is the most amazing UFO crash footage ever captured and...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Woman Receives $2,500 Bill for Damage to Guard Rail That Severed Her Leg in Horrific Car Crash

    10-22-2010 06:12 AM 'An Illinois woman has been left horrified after receiving a bill for the damages caused by a crash in which she lost part of her right leg. Marzena Mulawka, 27, was driving on a snowy stretch of Interstate 80 in western Pennsylvania in January when she says a tractor...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Digital Enhancement Of Polish President Plane Crash Site Footage Reveals Mysterious A

    May 3, 2010 This digitally enhanced video does a good job at showing the activity on the ground minutes after the crash at the presidential plane crash site in Poland. Audio translated by a collaborative Facebook effort of Russian, Polish and English native speakers. The revelations are...
  9. R

    Polish plane crash truth video

    POLISH PLANE CRASH TRUTH VIDEO YouTube - Krakow - coverage of President Kaczynski's funeral - Sat, April 17th 2010! Watch this carefully and listen well.........ricklbert YouTube - KATASTROFA SAMOLOTU SMOLENSK PIERWSZE NAGRANIE NAPISY! Source:Zapruder Inc. - De gevaarlijkste website...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Claim: Man Who Shot Polish Plane Crash “Gunshots” Footage Stabbed To Death

    Prison Wednesday, April 21, 2010 The man who filmed a video that appeared to depict gunshots being fired in the immediate aftermath of the Polish plane crash has apparently been stabbed to death in what many are claiming was a deliberate assassination to silence the individual from...