

    Ngorongoro crater, Tanzania

    iStock If you have ever hankered to see thousands of animal species at one time, including the endangered black rhino, then this is the place to go. The Ngorongoro crater, the largest intact caldera - a depression caused by a volcanic eruption - in the world forms a bowl of approximately 265...

    Mexico hotel blast kills 5 Canadians, 2 Mexicans

    PLAYA DE CARMEN, Mexico – A powerful explosion that killed five Canadian tourists and two Mexican workers at a resort hotel on Mexico's posh Riviera Maya was apparently caused by build up of gas from a nearby swamp, authorities said. The blast at the 676-room hotel Grand Riviera Princess hotel...

    Trapped Mars rover finds evidence of subsurface water

    Soil layers with different compositions close to the surface led the rover science team to propose that thin films of water may have entered the ground from frost or snow. The ground where NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit became stuck last year holds evidence that water, perhaps as snow...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Water on the Moon: a Billion Gallons

    But after a year of analysis NASA today announced that its LCROSS lunar-impact probe mission found up to a billion gallons of water ice in the floor of a permanently-shadowed crater near the moon's south pole. That's enough, said researchers, to fill 1,500 Olympic-size swimming pools, all from...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Huge seas 'once existed on Mars'

    Source: BBC Huge seas 'once existed on Mars' US scientists have found further evidence that huge seas existed long ago on Mars. A geological mapping project found sedimentary deposits in a region called Hellas Planitia which suggest a large...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Gigantic crater in Guatemala video, after hurricane Agatha, first of June 2010

    A strange phenomena occurred in the middle of a city: a perfectly round deep crater appeared after hurricane Agatha.
  7. day

    Mars Anomalies

    On MOC-1900037 you will find a ruin of a Mayan like temple on a slope of a crater. Its approxmately 180 meters across. Go here to download the image and see for yourself:MOC narrow-angle image E19-00037
  8. day

    Claim: There are Nazis on the Moon

    :coffee: Photographs leaked to the Internet last week taken by the Cassiopeia probe on the so-called dark side of the Moon have stirred up considerable controversy among both astronomers and conspiracy theorists. The photos reveal a structure in the Schroedinger crater near the southern lunar...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Phobos Photo, Have a look....

    Take a look at this Mars Moon, something is wrong! Click on image to examine These lines look like strafe lines rather than comets, comets could not do this, they appear to go round the Moon, it's not possible folk's Look at the damage here, does it look familiar? Does it remind you...
  10. CASPER

    Lava likely made river-like channel on Mars

    Flowing lava can carve or build paths very much like the riverbeds and canyons etched by water, and this probably explains at least one of the meandering channels on the surface of Mars. Whether channels on Mars were formed by water or by lava has been debated for years, and the outcome is...
  11. R

    Meter Crater in Ahuazotepec Municipality

    Meter Crater in Ahuazotepec Municipality Thursday, February 11, 2010 A meteorite has smashed into the ground in Mexico, leaving a 30 meter (100 feet) wide crater, reports said. The meteorite impact was the Ahuazotepec Municipality in Central Mexico between the cities of Puebla and Hidalgo...
  12. day

    3 volcanic hot-spots erupted around the globe.

    January 4th Columbia: "Colombia's most active volcano has erupted, forcing the evacuation of 800 people who lived close to Mount Galeras. Officials say no one was injured after Saturday's eruption.Some of the evacuees were being tended by the Red Cross at a refuge centreThe Red Cross's national...
  13. CASPER

    Stuck Rover on Mars Can Still Do Science

    NASA's beleaguered Mars rover Spirit may no longer be much of a rover, but it's not the end of the road for her yet. The semi-stuck robot still has plenty of science left to do on the red planet, mission scientists say. "There's actually a whole class of scientific objectives that you can only...
  14. CASPER

    NASA Abandons Escape Attempts for Stuck Mars Rover

    The roving days are over for NASA's Mars rover Spirit after more than six years rolling across the Martian surface, the space agency announced Tuesday. NASA engineers have decided to abandon efforts to rescue the Spirit rover from the deep Martian sand that snared it in May 2009. Instead, they...
  15. CASPER

    Spirit rover to remain stuck in Martian sand

    WASHINGTON (AFP) – NASA admitted defeat Tuesday saying efforts to free the Spirit rover bogged down by Martian sand were over and instead the plucky robot was hunkering down to brave the harsh Mars winter. "Spirit is not dead; it has just entered another phase of its long life," said Doug...
  16. Unhypnotized

    The smoking gun NASA a Fraud Proof Of Life On Moon

    This is real footage from Apollo 11 Learn about the true nature of N.A.S.A. Nasa had discovered that the Earths Moon was inhabited when they viewed the first images sent back from Ranger 7 in 1964. Ranger 7 sent back over 4000 images showing life on the Moon. Nasa is a branch of the United...
  17. CASPER

    More Filipinos leave homes as volcano spills lava

    LEGAZPI, Philippines – Security forces in army trucks Friday sent about 3,000 residents outside the danger zone surrounding the smoldering Mayon volcano, which looked set for a major eruption after days of shooting ash plumes and spilling lava. Authorities in central Albay province declared a...
  18. CASPER

    Twin impacts in the Cabeus crater

    Twin impacts in the Cabeus crater created a plume of material from the bottom of a crater that has not seen sunlight in billions of years. Preliminary data from NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) indicates the mission successfully uncovered water in a permanently...
  19. CASPER

    NASA to begin attempts to free sand-trapped Mars rover

    NASA will begin transmitting commands to its Mars exploration rover Spirit on Monday as part of an escape plan to free the robot from its martian sand trap. Spirit has been lodged at a site scientists call "Troy" since April 23. "This is going to be a lengthy process, and there's a high...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Thrilling discovery: Lots of water on moon

    LOS ANGELES—Suddenly, the moon looks exciting again. It has lots of water, scientists said Friday (Saturday in Manila)—a thrilling discovery that sent a ripple of hope for a future astronaut outpost in a place that has always seemed barren and inhospitable. Experts have long suspected there...