
  1. New UFO Hunter

    RAF Pilot Terry Johnson & RAF Navigator Geoff Smythe - UFO encounter - 1953

    Name: Terry Johnson & Geoff Smythe Job Description: RAF Pilot & Navigator Subject matter: UFO encounter
  2. New UFO Hunter

    Baron Davis a Former New York Knicks Basketball player speaks of an alien encounter he had

    Baron Davis Blows everybody away as he informs everyone of a very recent ET abduction encounter: https://soundcloud.com/wcrmp3s/baron-davis-aliens-on-the
  3. 100th Monkey

    FEMA Prepares for UFO Attack or Alien Encounter

  4. New UFO Hunter

    Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind

    "War of the worlds - The invisible Battle" http://www.alienresistance.org/ce4unholycommunion.htm
  5. R

    Airy look to a possible encounter with ET's.

    Alien encounter? Last updated: Monday, 2009 Airy look to a possible encounter with ET's.