
  1. 100th Monkey

    Zombie Attacks

    Part two of Paul Joseph Watson’s interview with You Tube star Sheila Martin in which we discuss the so-called “zombie attacks” that have exploded this year. Could a secret virus be behind these horrific acts of violence, an environmental cause, or is this just a reflection of the fact that...
  2. R

    Make-up is very dangerous for young girls

    Make-up is very dangerous for young girls Wednesday, December 23, 2009 AMSTERDAM - The chemicals in make-up are very dangerous especially for young girls. So that concludes the Environmental Working Group after its own investigation. Girls often begin in their teenage years all with...
  3. R

    Message to the Environmental Movement - Climategate

    Message to the Environmental Movement - Climategate The world's leading climate scientists have been embarrassed by the publication of private emails that hide the decline of global temperatures. This is a message to the environmental movement. Youtube