
  1. Boiling Frog

    [Bombshell!] Fox News Airs Bombshell Report On GMO Food

    Well, what are they planing to do now? Source: Shock: Fox News Airs Bombshell Report On GMO Food
  2. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Caught Live on Fox News (1/20/13) ORIGINAL

  3. 100th Monkey

    Fox News Holiday Card...You won't believe this one.

    A greeting card sent out by Fox News.
  4. Unhypnotized

    Ann Coulter tells O’Reilly: Radiation is ‘good for you’

    David Edwards Raw Story Friday, March 18, 2011 Conservative columnist Ann Coulter joined Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly Thursday night to discuss her new piece titled “A Glowing Report on Radiation.” “At some level–much higher than the minimums set by the U.S. government–radiation is good for you,”...
  5. R

    FOX news predicting NEW WORLD ORDER (Nov.18, 2009)

    FOX news predicting NEW WORLD ORDER (Nov.18, 2009) Youtube
  6. Unhypnotized

    James Fox - I know what I saw full documentary - History Channel

    It`s already on youtube and as expected it is a good one:
  7. R

    VIDEO: FOX NEWS report on evidence of a 9/11 controlled demolition!

    VIDEO: FOX NEWS report on evidence of a 9/11 controlled demolition! VIDEO - Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA. May 29th, 2009 in 911 Conspiracy, Youtube
  8. R

    Dr. Ron Paul and Peter Schiff on fox 4th of March 2009 part 1 to 4

    Dr. Ron Paul and Peter Schiff on fox 4th of March 2009 part 1 to 4