
  1. Documents Reveal Canadian Cops Used Agents Provocateurs to Disrupt 2010 G20

    'Following the police state spectacular at the G20 last June, the cops were accused of infiltrating so-called black-bloc anarchists, who engaged in all sorts of pointless mayhem, including trashing a Starbucks and burning police cars (see video below). The corporate media had a field day...
  2. Alex Reunited with Trooper Who Arrested Him for Thumbscan Refusal

    Alex Jones Channel Thursday, June 2, 2011 While routing out the globalist forces at the Texas Capitol behind killing the anti-TSA bill, Alex Jones happens upon the very state trooper who arrested him 14 years ago for refusing to thumbscan for a driver’s license. Alex draws parallels between...
  3. Report: Bilderberg Wants Gas Prices at $7 a Gallon

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Friday, April 22, 2011 In a follow-up to his American Free Press article, veteran newspaper reporter and Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker told Alex Jones today that the globalists fully intend to launch a ground invasion of Libya and also jack up the price of gas to $7...
  4. Globalist Coalition using 'Depleted Uranium Weapons' on Lybia..!

    Libya: Increased Airstrikes, Ground Troops, Contractors, Civilians Killed, Deadly DU Munitions – Can We Call This A War Yet? April 12, 2011 The globalist coalition refers to it as ‘Kinetic Military Action’ , yet as more civilians are killed in NATO bombings, and with experts adamant that...
  5. Abortion is Killing

    Science says so. Tony Cartalucci April 10, 2011 This is a human being. It has a quantifiable human genetic code and independent, self-perpetuating cellular metabolic activity that will continue from the moment of conception to 80 years of age watching their grandchildren...
  6. Alex Jones interviews ex-Presidential Candidate 'Lyndon LaRouche'

    Lyndon LaRouche unveils the Face of Evil! Definitely worth viewing...LaRouche reveals and explores some historical concrete realities within the new world order Globalists that you might never of heard previously... They discusses i.e. Banksters, Earthquakes & Natural Disasters, War, and so...
  7. Lindsey Williams 'NEW INFORMATION' Alex Jones Show 04-06-2011

    Alex Jones 2011-04-06 Wed... Alex talks with the former Alaskan pipeline pastor and author Lindsey Williams about rising oil prices and the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East. In December 2010, Williams told Alex that he'd learned from two retired top executives of major oil producers that the...
  8. Oil Rises On Market Speculation Over Globalist War in Libya

    Kurt Nimmo April 4, 2011 Oil has spiked to a 30-month high on market speculation related to demand and the globalist war against the Libyan regime of Muammar Gaddafi. Gaddafi’s forces bombed an oil field south of the city of Ajdabiya and heightened concerns about the supply of oil...
  9. Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

    Report On GeoEngineering A select group of diabolic oligarch globalists and their puppet cronies embedded within the United States government are now involved in what some would say are crimes against humanity. These tyrants will stop at nothing to usher their hush, hush global aerosol...
  10. Secret Illegal War Of Aggression Has Been Raging In Libya For Weeks

    UN Resolution or no UN resolution, US and British spies have been coordinating war for oil for some time Steve Watson March 31, 2011 The corporate mainstream media has just caught up to the reality of the situation in Libya that we have been reporting for weeks. Before...
  11. In 2009 Gaddafi Proposed Nationalizing Libya’s Oil

    Kurt Nimmo March 29, 2011 The Coalition of Globalists are not interested in sheltering the Libyan people from Muammar al- Gaddafi. The no-fly zone and attacks on the Libyan military by NATO and U.S. have nothing to do with democracy and free elections. It’s about oil – and who...
  12. Elliott Abrams’ Plan For Syria

    Tony Cartalucci March 29, 2011 Degenerate globalist co-conspirator Elliott Abrams, has been consistently supporting the recent conflagration throughout the Arab world and is pushing for ever-expanding US meddling in the region. In his recent piece, featured in the Washington...
  13. GLOBALIST TARGET: Central Bank of Libya is 100% State Owned

    By Eric V. Encina 21st Century Wire March 28, 2011 One seldom mentioned fact by western politicians and media pundits: the Central Bank of Libya is 100% State Owned. The world’s globalist financiers and market manipulators do not like it *and would continue to their on-going effort to...
  14. R

    French Muslim Revolution: ‘Made in USA’

    “When US globalists (aka Zionists) pose as friends of Muslims, the latter should sup with the Great Shaitan with an exceedingly long spoon,” Dr. K.R. Bolton. Recently I noticed two articles by Dr. K.R. Bolton. One is entitled The Rivkin Project while the other is titled The Red Face of Israel...
  15. Egypt: Wikileaks to the Rescue

    Tony Cartalucci March 27, 2011 Once again, Wikileaks provides suspiciously timed help for a globalist in need. Mohamed ElBaradei, US*International Crisis Group trustee and leader of the*Western-backed &*trained youth movementthat helped remove Hosni Mubarak from power, has been...
  16. U.S. Arming Libyan Rebels Via Egypt

    Tony Cartalucci Prison Friday, March 18, 2011 RELATED: Another Illegal War Of Slaughter Couched In “Humanitarian” Doublespeak After the corporate owned media’s failed attempt in February 2011 to portray the Libyan unrest as “unarmed protesters” being brutalized by Qaddafi, reports...
  17. Truth About Japan’s Nuclear Disaster Being Covered Up March 15, 2011 In a special video, Alex Jones addresses the tendency of governments to lie, with focus on Japan’s nuclear meltdown crisis. From the onset of Japan’s post-earthquake disaster, it’s officials have been downplaying the risks and keeping its population, and the...
  18. Global Warming Did Not Cause The Japanese Earthquake

    BBC reporter spouts lies about “disappearing” South Pacific island to imply man-made climate change connection to devastating tsunami Paul Joseph Watson Prison Friday, March 11, 2011 Just hours after the horrific earthquake and tsunami devastated coastal areas of Japan, global...
  19. Soros: Communist Chinese Model Of Order May Become “The Envy Of The World”

    “Western democracies provide less successful leadership than China” Steve Watson March 9, 2011 Billionaire investor George Soros has once again cited China’s dictatorship as the model for the rest of the world in a speech at an elite gathering in Europe. Soros told the...
  20. Day Of Rage: Saudi Arabia In Veiled Threat To US

    Saudi Foreign Minister threatens to “cut foreign fingers” in event of outside intervention after US sided with protesters Image: Wikimedia Commons Paul Joseph Watson Prison Wednesday, March 9, 2011 As the world braces itself for Saudi Arabia’s “day of rage” on Friday, which...