
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Framed for rape? Goldman Sachs Banker Charged With Rape

    i think Jason Lee maybe framed for some reason? These guys turn on their own when they no long need them or want to replace them. Read more: Married Goldman Sachs bigwig arrested for rape  - NY Daily News
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Too Big To JAIL: Goldman Sachs Avoids Criminal Charges

    Whenever those crooks remain above the legal systems and unaccountable for his or her criminal activities, little is ever going to improve, as they have not consequences! Gerald Celente on Eurozone Reckoning Day and dropped charges for Goldman Sachs!:
  3. R

    [Video] Goldman Sachs Dumps 44% of it's BP Stock Weeks before Oil Rig Disaster!!!

    Goldman Sachs Dumps 44% of it's BP Stock Weeks before Oil Rig Disaster!!! TheAlexJonesChannel — June 03, 2010 — Want Proof? HERE IT IS... Ownership, institutional ownership, 5 % ownership - MSN Money... This is a list of the institutional owners of BP stock. This is NOT private owners. There...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Goldman Sachs bankers set for bumper bonuses as profits more than triple

    Telegraph October 15, 2009 The investment bank reported that profits surged to $3.19bn (£1.97bn) in the third quarter from $845m in the same period in 2008, when the financial system was close to meltdown. The profits beat the estimate of Wall Street analysts. Due to a strong performance from...