
  1. Unhypnotized

    CDC Allegedly Falsifies Reports – Ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages From H1N1 Vaccine

    Progressive Convergence Friday, September 17, 2010 A shocking report from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) presented data from two different sources demonstrating that the 2009/10 H1N1 vaccines contributed to an estimated 1,588 miscarriages and stillbirths.* A corrected...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Healthcare workers to be fired if they refuse flu shots, medical group demands

    S. L. Baker Natural News Sept 10, 2010 Forget the U.S. Constitution. Forget basic human rights. Forget the fact that research shows flu shots don’t work most of the time (http://www.naturalnews.com/029641_v…). A group of the nation’s leading infectious disease experts are demanding forced...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Evidence-based vaccinations: A scientific look at the missing science behind flu seas

    Mike Adams Natural News Thursday, September 2, 2010 (NaturalNews) As someone with a good deal of education in scientific thinking and the scientific method, I have put considerable effort into attempting to find any real scientific evidence backing the widespread use of influenza vaccines (flu...
  4. Unhypnotized

    India halts HPV vaccine trial after six girls die, US does nothing in response to 67

    Ethan A. Huff Natural News Thursday, September 2, 2010 RELATED: India Rejects H1N1 Shots After Vaccines Kill Children (NaturalNews) The horrors caused by Merck & Co.’s Gardasil vaccine and GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) Cervarix vaccine continue as six young girls recently died from the shots...
  5. Unhypnotized

    India Rejects H1N1 Shots After Vaccines Kill Children

    Global revolt against dangerous inoculations gathers pace as U.S. health authorities launch flu jab PR machine Photograph: UNICEF Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Wednesday, September 1, 2010 People in the Indian capital New Delhi have rejected the H1N1 shot en masse following the news...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Vaccine Deaths And Injuries Skyrocket As Cover-Up Implodes

    Global revolt against deadly vaccines spreads as cases of debilitating illnesses, soft-kill side-effects and even instant deaths become widespread Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, August 30, 2010 Cases of debilitating illnesses, soft-kill side-effects and even instant deaths as a...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Flu Vaccine Propaganda Fails, Readers Awake to the Truth

    Matt Ryan Prison Planet.com Monday, August 30, 2010 The Kansas City Star published an article stating that the new flu vaccines are available and that everyone should get one. The opening phrase sets a strange tone, “Just after the news that “swine flu” is no longer a global threat, it’s time...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Finland Suspends Swine Flu Shots After Vaccine Linked With Neurological Disorder

    Cases of narcolepsy in children jumped 300 per cent following H1N1 vaccination campaign Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Wednesday, August 25, 2010 Finland’s National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has suspended the use of the H1N1 vaccine over fears that the shot is linked with...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Walgreens announces flu shot gift card; give the “gift” of a vaccine

    Mike Adams Natural News Aug 19, 2010 Summer isn’t even over yet and the big push for the mass vaccination of the entire population is already under way. The CDC started the push by recently urging vaccine shots for everyone — including infants, pregnant women and immune-compromised people...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Students Urged to Get Vaccinated to Head off H1N1 Virus

    08-16-2010 01:52 AM 'The start of school is just around the corner and that means the beginning of flu season.* But the big question is will the H1N1 virus be as serious as last year. Thousands of people across the area swarmed local vaccination clinics last years as the number of swine flu...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Brain Eating Vaccines: The Reality Behind The “Conspiracy Theory”

    Wired Magazine hit piece attempts to debunk legitimate concerns about agenda to chemically lobotomize general public through vaccines, water supply Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Wednesday, August 4, 2010 UPDATED WITH PERSONAL STATEMENT BY ALEX JONES Wired Magazine writer Jonah...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Swine Flu Vaccine now INCLUDED in seasonal flu shot!

    New flu vaccine: One shot protects against H1N1, too FDA approves seasonal vaccine that covers three strains for 2010-2011 by JoNel Aleccia Health writer msnbc.com updated 7/30/2010 4:51:50 PM ET You'll only need a single shot of influenza vaccine this year to protect against three strains of...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Rockefeller Study Envisages Future Dictatorship Controlled By Elite

    Blueprint for life under the new world order revealed: Global pandemics that kill millions, mandatory quarantines, checkpoints, biometric ID cards, and a world of top-down government control Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Friday, July 16, 2010 Global pandemics that kill millions...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Flu Vaccines, pharma fraud, quack science, the CDC and WHO exposed by Richard Gale

    Mike Adams Natural News July 2010 A remarkable article was published today by authors Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null of the Progressive Radio Network (http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com). It may be the most shocking (and important) public health article published in the last two years. If...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Millions of H1N1 vaccine doses may have to be discarded

    Rob Stein Washington Post April 1, 2010 Despite months of dire warnings and millions in taxpayer dollars, less than half of the 229 million doses of H1N1 vaccine the government bought to fight the pandemic have been administered — leaving an estimated 71.5 million doses that must be discarded...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Pharma Planning to Dump Experimental and Controversial Vaccines in Public Schools

    Jeffry John Aufderheide Natural News March 30, 2010 The golden calf of public health was smashed in this recent flu season as many in the United States outright rejected the H1N1 vaccine. Pharmaceutical companies are now holding the bag, as millions of doses of the vaccine are rotting on...
  17. Unhypnotized

    New wave of swine flu approaching in spring

    Press TV March 30, 2010 An Iranian health official has warned about a new wave of swine flu across the country in the spring with predicted A-H1N1 virus mutation. Director of the Health Ministry’s Flu Program and Border Health Care Mahmoud Soroush told IRINN on Monday that a new wave of H1N1...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Bill Gates And Neo-Eugenics: Vaccines To Reduce Population

    F. William Engdahl Financial Sense Friday, March 5, 2010 Microsoft founder and one of the world’s wealthiest men, Bill Gates, projects an image of a benign philanthropist using his billions via his (tax exempt) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to tackle diseases, solve food shortages in...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Government Swine Flu Ad Portrays Vaccine Skeptics As Raving Lunatics

    Glib propaganda fails to mention fact that H1N1 scare was “one of the greatest medical scandals of the century,” according to investigation chief Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Thursday, March 4, 2010 A glib 33 second propaganda ad produced by the Kentucky Department for Public Health...
  20. Unhypnotized

    New research: no good scientific evidence flu shots are effective or safe for elders

    S. L. Baker Natural News Thursday, February 25th, 2010 According to none other than the esteemed health experts of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) web site, “… people 65 and older should get their regular, or ’seasonal’, flu vaccine as soon as possible…People age 65 and older are at...