
  1. New UFO Hunter

    Helicopters investigates UFOs over Hollywood

    Helicopters investigates UFOs over Hollywood July 8, 2012 ~ a new UFO video on Youtube uploaded Jul 9, 2012, by youtube user WeDreamWeLiveWeLove, shows three lights comming in from the distance and seem to stop not so far away from the people filming it. Then, after a moment, you start hearing...
  2. 100th Monkey

    Nuclear Cover-Up: Explosions, Military Helicopters Blacked Out Radiation Zone

    Anthony Gucciardi NaturalSociety June 8, 2012 Eyewitnesses on the ground near the media-blacked-out elevated radiation zone near the border of Indiana and Michigan, where radiation levels hundreds of times higher than normal were quickly removed from public viewing by the EPA, are now...
  3. R

    Now we are borrowing Russian helicopters to fight the Taliban

    Now we are borrowing Russian helicopters to fight the Taliban July 20th, 2009 in Breaking News Now we are borrowing Russian helicopters to fight the Taliban | Mail Online British frontline troops in Afghanistan are so short of helicopters and transport planes that they are being bailed out...