
  1. Denise

    Baby, "still born", found alive 12 hours later - Luz Milagros "light miracles"

    A 'stillborn' baby was found alive in a drawer in a hospital morgue by her distressed mother 12 hours after the girl was declared dead, it emerged today. Analia Bouter was 26 weeks pregnant when she gave birth to her fifth child prematurely at a hospital in Resistencia, in Argentina's...
  2. Denise

    Sheldan Nidle ~ Your Long Nightmare Ends ~ August 9, 2011

    9 Imix, 14 Pop, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return. By increments, your world is being magically transformed. The old order, the last dark cabal, is being de-clawed. Those who represent the new way of the Light have taken stern preliminary measures to ensure that the long nightmare through which you...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Nasa shuts down prolific space mapping telescope

    "A prolific sky-mapping telescope that has spent more than a year scanning the heavens for asteroids, comets and other cosmic objects received its last command today (Feb. 17). NASA shut down its WISE spacecraft – short for Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer – at 3:00 p.m. EST (2000 UTC)...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Lauren Gorgo - 11th Phase Lightbody Ascension - Feb 1st

    TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2011 11th Phase Lightbody Ascension The New Normal In the last article I wrote I mentioned that we were in the throes of some unprecedented geomagnetic activity due to a significant global rebalancing spurred by a magnetic pole shift….or visa versa. I also mentioned...
  5. Truth Vibrations

    White nose syndrome found in Northeastern Ontario bats

    Help protect Ontario’s bats Five years ago in upstate New York, bats started dying from a mysterious condition. Dubbed “white nose syndrome” because of a fungus that grew on affected bats, it has now killed more than a million bats in eastern North America. In March 2010, the syndrome was...

    34,000-Year-Old Organisms Found Buried Alive!

    It's a tale that has all the trappings of a cult 1960s sci-fi movie: Scientists bring back ancient salt crystals, dug up from deep below Death Valley for climate research. The sparkling crystals are carefully packed away until, years later, a young, unknown researcher takes a second look at the...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Food and Ethanol Shortages Imminent as Earth Enters New Cold Climate Era

    12-29-2010 05:33 AM 'The Space and Science Research Center (SSRC), the leading independent research organization in the United States on the subject of the next climate change, issues today the following warning of imminent crop damage expected to produce food and ethanol shortages for the US...

    NASA Resurrects Cassini Spacecraft In Time for Saturn Moon Flyby

    NASA reawakened the Cassini spacecraft today (Nov. 24) from a forced hibernation while in orbit around Saturn, after three weeks of stalled science work due to a computer glitch. All of the probe's science instruments have been reactivated and the spacecraft is in good health, just in time to...

    Trapped Mars rover finds evidence of subsurface water

    Soil layers with different compositions close to the surface led the rover science team to propose that thin films of water may have entered the ground from frost or snow. The ground where NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit became stuck last year holds evidence that water, perhaps as snow...
  10. day

    Climate Extremes: Hibernating bees at risk of extinction from freezing cold

    Climate Extremes: Hibernating bees at risk of extinction from freezing cold (January 8, 2010) United Kingdom- Conservationists have warned of a "pollination crisis" this summer as hibernating wild bees perish in freezing conditions. The Bumblebee Conservation Trust (BCT) said domesticated...
  11. CASPER

    NASA Abandons Escape Attempts for Stuck Mars Rover

    The roving days are over for NASA's Mars rover Spirit after more than six years rolling across the Martian surface, the space agency announced Tuesday. NASA engineers have decided to abandon efforts to rescue the Spirit rover from the deep Martian sand that snared it in May 2009. Instead, they...
  12. CASPER

    The Future of Evolution: What Will We Become?

    The past of human evolution is more and more coming to light as scientists uncover a trove of fossils and genetic knowledge. But where might the future of human evolution go? There are plenty of signs that humans are still evolving. However, whether humans develop along the lines portrayed by...
  13. CASPER

    Rosetta bound for outer solar system after final Earth swing-by

    This morning, mission controllers confirmed that the European Space Agency's (ESA) comet chaser Rosetta had swung by Earth at 8:45 CET as planned, skimming past our planet to pick up a gravitational boost for an epic journey to rendezvous with comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014. Rosetta...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Follow Rosetta’s final Earth boost

    Rosetta Flight Control Team in action 4 November 2009 ESA’s comet chaser Rosetta will swing by Earth for the last time on 13 November to pick up energy and begin the final leg of its 10-year journey to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. ESA’s European Space Operations Centre will host a media...
  15. R

    Weird X-Files skin disease treated as a psychological disorder

    Weird X-Files skin disease treated as a psychological disorder April 13/09 “The doctors are very dismissive. One doctor sent the fibres off to a lab, but all she said was that nothing abnormal had been detected.” Among Morgellons sufferers, this is a common experience. Most experts believe the...
  16. R

    This Full Moon, the Worm Monday

    This Full Moon, the Worm Monday Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Next night, March 11 at 03.36 hours to be exact, the Whole Monday Nothing special you would say, were it not that an American folklore this Monday Monday called the Worm. It has all to do with the arrival of spring in the northern...
  17. R

    Mosquito survives universe Thursday, February 19, 2009

    Mosquito survives universe Thursday, February 19, 2009 A few weeks ago American astronauts discovered a spider in the International Space Station ISS. But the Russians are now over: they have a mug from the space back to earth. The mug was not in the space station, but stuck to the surface...