
  1. Glass Steagall Introduced into Michigan House of Reps

    Good news... Source: Glass Steagall Introduced into Michigan House of Reps.; HR 260 Has 12 Sponsors
  2. Stenographer Snaps on House Floor

    This is great, we need more, too bad it wasn't a better plan speech!
  3. R

    Bibi: ‘Where was Monica when I needed her’

    London ‘Jewish Chronicle’ American correspondent and author, J.J. Goldberg, believes that Benjamin Netanyahu failed in his mission to stop Barack Obama from talking with ”moderate” Hassan Rouhani – because there was no Monica Lewinsky in the White House to blackmail Barack Obama. In an article...
  4. Nuclear Strike on Syria - The Genie is Out of the Bottle

    They are nuking Syria now? More:
  5. R

    Helen Thomas orphans honest journalism

    Helen Thomas, who fought for justice and honest reporting at the White House for more than 50 years, died yesterday at 92. As a journalist, she covered ten US presidents and earned the nickname of “Dean of the White House Press Corps”. Helen will be remembered for her great passion for the...
  6. Enter The House Of The Temple

    A look inside The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-third degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America.
  7. Protect your property, go to jail - Woman arrested for opposing surveillance device placed in her home

    Jennifer Stahl has been a strong advocate against the smart meter program in Naperville, Ill., for the last two years. The issue came to a head Wednesday afternoon when she was arrested while refusing to let the utility workers install the controversial device. "I was protecting my...
  8. Ron Paul calls it quits: his legacy will live on

    Published on 15 Nov 2012 by RTAmerica After serving over 20 years in the US House of Representatives and running for president several times, Congressman Ron Paul delivered his farewell speech on the House floor. On Wednesday, Ron Paul's message of smaller government and liberty resonated...
  9. G

    ghosts in house

    here's a story that was told to me. one time my cousin was in his house and everyone was there and the power went out and there dog was just standing up like if someone was there
  10. The Hutchison Effect

    I have heard a taped telephone conversation with Mr Hutchinson. Apparently he has made, so he claims his house disappear as a result of his experiments. Info:
  11. Congress votes 'okay' to indefinite detention

    Congress still okay with indefinite detention and torture of Americans Even after a federal court deemed the NDAA unconstitutional, the US House of Representatives refused to exclude indefinite detention provisions from the infamous defense spending bill during a vote on Friday. An attempt...
  12. The History of the House of Rothschild

    This need to be here:
  13. White house on lockdown ...

    A group of over 1,000 far left #occupy protesters chucked smoke bombs over the fence tonight forcing the White House to go on lockdown. Reporters were escorted to the basement due to the attack.
  14. The Man

    said he had been painting since three or four a.m. and because I did not know whether he was painting a house (I didn't think so but you never know) or painting inside the house as in a studio his own I decided to ask him: and I asked him with some excitement because I secretly hoped he would be...
  15. Beirut, August 1982

    I wish he hadn't died the one who died in Wednesday's raid He was limping down Nazlet elBeir a blond like those who come from the rivers in Northern Iraq Patiently . . . like an "insane" mother war was spinning her wool that summer as it is now! Some song on the radio begins: "O Beir" and it...
  16. Beirut, August 1982

    I wish he hadn't died the one who died in Wednesday's raid He was limping down Nazlet elBeir a blond like those who come from the rivers in Northern Iraq Patiently . . . like an "insane" mother war was spinning her wool that summer as it is now! Some song on the radio begins: "O Beir" and it...
  17. If a Waffle House is closed, you're probably screwed

    According to the Wall street journal, FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate uses a "Waffle House Index" To help him determine how destructive a hurricane has been to an area.
  18. Hillary Clinton Erased from White House Photo

    Op-Ed: Hasidic newspaper erases Hillary Clinton from White House photo By Bart B. Van Bockstaele. A Jewish newspaper erased Hillary Clinton and another woman from a widespread picture showing White House staff watching the Osama Bin Laden raid. Women are never displayed in the pages of Der...
  19. Ruins in Sunlight

    Up the side of the hill The house is a lace of stones A few grown over with earth And a few smooth And ridged, as molars What was yard, sunlight now, An expanse of grass— And the stones Forming the past house Are worse than a map: Allocation of rooms, Divisions, architecture— Nothing, it...
  20. P

    Encountering ghosts

    I found out that an acquaintance of mine had committed suicide. I didn't know him very well, but the next day I felt his presence in my house. Have you guys ever encountered something like that? I don't know why he would be there to see me, but I definitely knew that it was him.