
  1. Truth Vibrations

    44 Pizza Huts close in Louisiana

    NEW ORLEANS -- A dispute between Pizza Hut and southern Louisiana's primary franchisee for the brand has led to a lawsuit and the closure of 44 restaurants in the New Orleans and Baton Rouge areas. The developments follow a protracted effort to transfer assets of the 44 Pizza Hut restaurants...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Oh No, Not Another Ice Age

    Mark Sircus IMVA Tuesday, January 4, 2011 Yes, but how can that be? Global warming is in full swing so how can an Ice Age creep or crash in on us?If you are really paying attention to what is happening all around us in the world you will see the shaping story and a tragedy of staggering...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Will 2011 be the start of "Solar max"? Forecasters Keep Eye On Looming 'Solar Max'

    By Annie Hautefeuille and Richard Ingham (AFP) PARIS, France The coming year will be an important one for space weather as the Sun pulls out of a trough of low activity and heads into a long-awaited and possibly destructive period of turbulence. Many people may be surprised to learn that...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Napolitano Says DHS to Begin Battling Climate Change as Homeland Security Issue

    J. Brady Howell CNS News Dec 18, 2010 At an all-day White House conference on “environmental justice,” Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that her department is creating a new task force to battle the effects of climate change on domestic*security operations. Speaking...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Der Spiegel 1974 – New Ice Age Approaching. Odds Of A Warm Future “At Best 1 in 10,000

    P Gosselin No Tricks Zone Friday, December 17, 2010 An increased frequency in extreme weather events, a cooling North Atlantic, and growing Arctic sea ice were viewed as signs of climate change. The odds of a warmer climate in the future, according to one scientist, were “at best 1 in 10,000″...

    Haiti cholera toll at 800, U.S. risk seen low

    PORT-AU-PRINCE – The death toll in Haiti's cholera epidemic climbed on Thursday to 800, according to an American medical expert, but U.S. health authorities said the risk of widespread transmission to the United States was low, given good sanitation there. Fatalities from the diarrheal disease...

    Earthquake camps bet on Tomas missing capital

    PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Mud up to their ankles and a steady rain falling on their tents, residents of Haiti's earthquake camps ignored warnings to leave their makeshift homes as Hurricane Tomas bore down on their deforested and flood-prone nation early Friday. Tomas' maximum sustained winds...

    Tomas regains hurricane force, soaks Haiti camps

    PORT-AU-PRINCE – Tropical Storm Tomas re-strengthened to a hurricane on Friday as it headed between Cuba and Haiti, drenching with overnight rain crowded tent and tarpaulin camps housing vulnerable Haitian earthquake survivors. Although some camp dwellers in Haiti's capital, homeless from the...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Iran seem to have gotten HAARP

    Deputy for Research and Training Organization environment research project from the beginning, "Harp" as one of the newest and most advanced technologies by researchers world countries and said: With this technology, using a short wave radio can fit above the clouds somewhere , fertilization...
  10. Unhypnotized

    1000 Days Without Hurricane Landfall?

    Steven Goddard Real Science Oct 25, 2010 It has now been more than 750 days since any hurricane has made landfall in the US. This is one of the longest periods on record. Assuming that none do the rest of the current season, the quiesced period will...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Nasa upgrades 2012 solar storm warning

    NASA UPGRADES 2012 SOLAR STORM WARNING Award winning astrophysicist Alexia Demetria says our solar system is entering an interstellar energy cloud that will soon bring global catastrophe In light of recent news, the following information is paramount. On July 14, 2010 we learned that our sun...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Earl triggers more evacuations, shifts course for Canada

    Steven, Earl is headed right towards you. Tourists have largely evacuated vulnerable islands off of North Carolina as powerful hurricane Earl makes its way towards the coast. The Category 4 system is currently about 660 kilometres south of Cape Hatteras, N.C., packing maximum sustained winds...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Media Use Crazy Weather to Hype Global Warming, Despite Admissions Weather Isn’t Clim

    Julia A. Seymour Business & Media Institute Aug 19, 2010 Last winter, as blizzard snowfalls piled up into several feet in the nation’s capital, conservatives mocked global warming alarmists for trying to link weather incidents to global warming. But as summer heat waves, volcanoes and...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Government Using Google Earth To Loot Destitute Americans

    State utilizing aerial imaging technology to enforce petty ordinances and loot destitute citizens of whatever income they have left after having had trillions in wealth stolen and transferred to foreign banks Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, August 16, 2010 Aerial imaging...
  15. Unhypnotized

    July 11 TOTAL solar eclipse USE IT!

    Sunday - 11 July 2010 The Total Eclipse of the Sun The Astronomy When a Total Solar Eclipse occurs on a NEW Moon a very special energy oftransformation occurs. On July 11 this will take place.Are you ready ? Take time for this day, and utilize its very extraordinary potentials for the...
  16. R

    [Attention] TIMELINE-Gulf of Mexico oil spill

    TIMELINE-Gulf of Mexico oil spill | Reuters. July 5 (Reuters) - Millions of gallons/liters of oil have spewed into the Gulf of Mexico since an April 20 explosion on a drilling rig triggered the worst spill in U.S. history. Below is a timeline of the disaster and its impact. April 20, 2010 -...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Gigantic crater in Guatemala video, after hurricane Agatha, first of June 2010

    A strange phenomena occurred in the middle of a city: a perfectly round deep crater appeared after hurricane Agatha.
  18. Unhypnotized

    Will The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Be An Economic Disaster That The Gulf Coast Will Ne

    The Economic Collapse May 6, 2010 As a silent blanket of black goo that is now about the size of the state of Florida slowly but relentlessly drifts towards the Gulf Coast, communities in the region are bracing for an economic catastrophe that is being described as a “slow motion Katrina”.*...
  19. Unhypnotized

    FEMA’s sale of Katrina trailers sparks criticism

    Spencer S. Hsu Washington Post March 13, 2010 In a giant auction, the federal government has agreed to sell for pennies on the dollar most of the 120,000 formaldehyde-tainted trailers it bought nearly five years ago for Hurricane Katrina victims. But the sale of the units, perhaps the most...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Many leading scientists tell the EPA to think again

    The SPPI Blog 27 Feb 2010 From The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley This letter from numerous leading scientists in climate and related fields to Lisa Jackson, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, is worthy of wider circulation. The Honorable Lisa P. Jackson...