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    LGBT protests at NYC ‘ Celebrate Israel’ parade

    On June 3, LGBT activists protested at New York City’s “Celebrate Israel” parade, objecting to the Zionist regime’s apartheid laws denying Palestinian human rights and its use of gay rights messaging to portray Israel as open and democratic. Signs reading “Support Palestinian Queers” and...
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    May 30 – Jewish Heritage and gay lawmakers

    In 2006, Dubya Bush declared May as the Jewish American Heritage Month, initiated by Jewish Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Both Bush and Obama have celebrated the event by throwing a gala party at the White House in honor of their pro-Israel Jewish donors. White House has announced that this...
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    Obama and Israel vow gay-lesbian

    On Wednesday, under pressure from vice-president Israel-Firster Joe Biden and Jewish groups supporting Democratic Party – Barack Obama reversed his long-standing opposition to same-sex marriage. In an interview with ABC News’ Robin Roberts, said that he personally supports same sex marriage...
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    SPLC’s top 10 Islamophobes

    The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has published its intelligence Report exposing the ten top Islam haters in America. They all have one thing in common – they’re ‘Israel-Firsters’. The list includes Bill French, Brigitte Gabriel (Lebanon’s maid of darkness), P. David Gaubatz (a Zionist...
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    Sen. Hatch: ‘Obama is no Moses’

    Last Thursday morning, at the National Prayer Breakfast, Barack Obama claimed that if his Lord Christ have been alive – he may have supported Obama’s plan to raise taxes on the 1% American fatcats. “For me as a christian, it also coincides with Jesus teaching that ‘for onto whom much is given...
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    Islam: ‘West’s rising tide through conversion’

    British philosopher, Sir George Bernard Shaw, wrote in his 1936 book, ‘The Genuine Islam’: “Islam would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it’s begining to acceptable to Europe of today“. Inspite of Zionist mafia’s millions dollars annual anti-Islam propaganda - more and more western...
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    Zionists target AL observation mission in Syria

    The whining western ZOGs and their Arab poodles have now turned against the leadership of the Arab League Observation Mission (ALOM) in Syria which they choose themselves. They’re expecting that the director of ALOM, Mustafa al-Dabi, a former Sudanese general, like IAEA director general Yukiya...
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    Israel and religious freedom (tolerance)

    “Whenever the presence of a gentile (non-Jew) threatens the life of Israel, it is permitted to kill the gentile even if he is righteous person and should not be blamed for the situation,” King’s Torah, written by Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elizur, members of Benji Netanyahu’s radical Likud...
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    ‘All-American Muslim’ TV show irks Zionists

    Two Zionist groups, the Florida Family Association (FFA) and Bare Naked Islam (BNI) are running a vicious campaign against The Learning Channel (TLC) reality TV show All-American Muslim. The eight-part series following the daily lives of a group of Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan, came on air last...
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    US Report: ‘Iran executes gays and lesbians’

    Rev. Ted Pike wrote in July 2010 that when it comes to gay and lesbian rights, Jews have always in the front rows. It’s not that they’re commanded by the Old Testament to do that, but because “they are driven by militant Judaism to breakdown Christian civilization so total Jewish control can be...
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    Sept. 11 – How it benefits thee?

    This post has nothing to do with the official lies and the so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ which have been planted inside people’s minds for the last ten years. For example, anti-Semitic journalists like Wayne Madsen, who believe that Sept. 11 terrorism had links to Russian-Jewish mafia and Jeff...
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    Homophobia rampant among Jewish Army

    Israel proudly market itself being a friendly country towards gay and lesbian communities. Gays and lesbian openly serve in the Jewish Army and same sex couples even receive some extra privileges. Israelis boast Tel Aviv the Pink City. Jerusalem holds an annual gay parade. Israel even has a...
  13. CASPER

    Western press largely overlooks heroism of lesbian couple in Norway massacre

    As Norway continues to grapple with the attacks by a home-grown extremist that killed 77 people last month, one couple, who moved to help young people fleeing from gunman Anders Breivik, is getting a bit of belated recognition. Hege Dalen and her wife, Toril Hansen, were eating dinner on July...
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    French go porn in sports

    Israelis are known for using sex for marketing Holocaust, attracting tourism and foreign young Jews to recruit in Israel Occupation Force (IOF). Andrea Dworkin in her book Israel: Whose Country Is It Anyway?, gives her personal experience in Israel: “You see pornography in mainstream magazines...
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    Rep. Kucinich steps on Lobby’s toe, again!

    Last night Ziocon CNN blasted eight-term Congressman Dennis Kucinich for praising Syrian President Bashar Assad whom he met in Dmascus on June 28, 2011. The CNN ‘expert’ wondered who paid for Dennis’ visit to Damascus? Certainly, it could not be paid by one of 50 Jewish lobby groups campaigning...
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    US-Israel-Saudi war against democracy in Muslim world

    “The US and its allies will do anything they can to prevent authentic democracy in the Arab world,” Dr. Noam Chomsky, Jewish academic. To western surprise, its plan to create a new Middle East and Africa, has taken a wrong turn. The plan was to create a pro-Israel and more subverted Muslim...
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    Tawakkol Karman – Yemen’s woman revolutionary

    Tawakkol Karman 32, is a Yemeni woman journalist and chairperson of Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC). She is one of the leaders of the mass anti-government movement in Yemen. She has been ignored by the so-called ‘civilized West’press because she is ‘different’ from the western...
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    Polygamy and West’s ‘demographic decline’

    In the so-called ‘civilized’ western world, the solutions to women’s abuse among their societies through sex-slavery under different names, family breakdown, nudity, pornography, adultery, etc. – are tagged on the ‘old-fashioned’ Islamic teachings, which are considered incompatible with...
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    Election 2012: ‘Jewish gay for President’

    Last month, Fred Karger 61, the openly Republican Jewish gay politician – announced his candidacy for the 2012 Presidential election. He is the first person to file his papers with the Federal Election Commission. Watch video below. Fred’s announcement, though, irked the Christian fundo and...
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    Global Entry: ‘Preparation for next 9/11′

    The Global Entry is a US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) program that allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon arrival in the United States. The system allows the travellers to pass through automated biometrics checks (kiosks) to avoid delays at the lengthy...