
  1. Unhypnotized

    Are Airport Full Body Scanners A Health Menace?

    Naked Capitalism January 4, 2009 Dear readers, the headline may seem alarmist, so let’s work though the claims and counter claims: Health issue or no, I find these ever escalating encroachments on my person to be unwarrantedFull body scanning involves radiation. The medical profession has...
  2. day

    Warrior Sage

    “Spiritual people” don’t usually think in terms of fighting and if you have not processed your shadow very much, or if you can’t see in the Aluna Mirror-World as yet, you may not be aware that here is an Armageddon going on right now. But those influences will be pushing on your even if you are...

    First stem cell transplant on Chilean leukemia patient

    SANTIAGO (AFP) – A middle-aged leukemia patient has became Chile's first patient to receive stem cells from an umbilical cord in a radical procedure that could cure the disease, health officials here said Thursday. The 48-year-old man received the transplanted cells on Monday from samples...

    Genes May Raise Risk of Neuroblastoma in Kids

    Researchers have identified a genetic trait that appears to boost the risk that a child will develop an often-fatal cancer that targets the nervous system. The findings don't point toward a treatment, but they do give scientists more insight into neuroblastoma, said study co-author Dr. John...
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    Bush War Crimes are Jeopardizing Public Health in Afghanistan and Iraq

    Bush War Crimes are Jeopardizing Public Health in Afghanistan and Iraq Review of “George W. Bush, War Criminal?” by Michael Haas by Sherwood Ross Global Research, March 16, 2009 As commander-in-chief of the military, former President George W. Bush was responsible for U.S. attacks on...
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    Healing through leukemia treatment with arsenic and vitamin A

    Healing through leukemia treatment with arsenic and vitamin A Thursday, March 5, 2009 A recently published article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences describes a Chinese doctors performed a long-term study of a new treatment for leukemia and bone cancer brand. 85...