
  1. White Rabbit

    Colorful Solar Glass Can Generate Clean Power from Building Windows

    Think about it, all building around the world generating free power just from the glass on their windows! Oxford Photovoltaics uses non-toxic organic solar cell materials printed directly on to glass to produce clean energy. Photograph: Oxford Photovoltaics Photovoltaic Cell | Solar PV |...
  2. Lady of Light

    You Must Be Yourself And Believe In Yourself To Be Free - Lady of Light

    "The only way to be free is to be yourself and believe in yourself." - Lady of Light How can you have any true feelings of freedom if you can't be yourself. Being yourself and believing in yourself is the ONLY way to be free and to feel free. Don't limit yourself to what others think and...
  3. Rumas

    Japan Sets Radiation Limits For Infant Drinks Twice The International Legal Limit For Nuclear Waste

    'The "temporary safe limit" for radiation in food and beverages in Japan has been set to levels higher than the international legal limits for nuclear waste. Infant beverages have been set twice as higher as the nuclear waste limit and for children and adults between 3 to 4 times the nuclear...