
  1. Unhypnotized

    Doug Casey on Global Warming

    Lew Friday, Oct 9th, 2009 Interviewed by Louis James, Editor, International Speculator L: [Phone rings. It’s Doug Casey, whose gravelly, "Lobo, let’s talk!" always makes me smile.] Hi Doug! What’s on your mind? Doug: Global warming. People like my fanatical neighbors here in...

    Energy giants sign off on Australian LNG project

    SYDNEY (AFP) – Energy giants Chevron, Shell and ExxonMobil on Monday agreed to develop Australia's massive Gorgon field, giving the final go-ahead to a liquefied natural gas (LNG) project worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Chevron said the joint venture partners would start work immediately...

    Indonesian elephant fossil opens window to past

    BANDUNG, Indonesia – Indonesian scientists are reconstructing the largest, most complete skeleton of a prehistoric giant elephant ever found in the tropics, a finding that may offer new clues into the largely mysterious origins of its modern Asian cousin. The prehistoric elephant is believed to...

    Indonesian elephant fossil opens window to past

    BANDUNG, Indonesia – Indonesian scientists are reconstructing the largest, most complete skeleton of a prehistoric giant elephant ever found in the tropics, a finding that may offer new clues into the largely mysterious origins of its modern Asian cousin. The prehistoric elephant is believed to...
  5. R

    9/11 and the "American Inquisition"

    9/11 and the "American Inquisition" by Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, September 11, 2008 Today's "Global War on Terrorism" is a modern form of inquisition. It has all the essential ingredients of the French and Spanish inquisitions. Going after " Islamic terrorists"...
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    Civil Unrest in America?

    Civil Unrest in America? by José Miguel Alonso Trabanco Global Research, March 9, 2009 The Repression of Social Unrest. Source: BPK: Prussia Picture Archive Eurasia is currently experiencing serious problems derived from financial and economic difficulties such as unemployment, GDP...
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    The inner earth and Realms of agartha

    Avery interesting take on things.The inner earth and Realms of agartha Monday, February 9, 2009 Agartha In The Hollow Earth! By Dr Joshua David Stone The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose...