
  1. R

    Rabbi Kaplan: Nelson Mandela hated Jews

    You can’t expect a Zionist Jew to like a person who refuses to support the Zionist entity blindly. The Jewish weekly FORWARD has recently published several asrticles accusing Nelson Mandela for harboring anti-Jewish, anti-Israel activities. These Zionist writers, as usual, never acknowledged...
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    Nelson Mandela: A timely tribute

    Former South African President Nelson Mandella, an African hero of military resistance against the apartheid South Africa under the White rule, is fighting for his life in Pretoria hospital. World leaders are hailing him as the greatest living African freedom fighter and human rights activist...
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    SA minister support for BDS, irks Jewish Lobby

    South Africa’s deputy international relations minister, Ebrahim Ismail Ebrahim, has thrown his support behind the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign by discouraging South Africans from visiting the Zionist entity due to later’s inhuman policies against native Palestinians and for...
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    Farakhan knows how to anger Israel Lobby

    On March 10, 2012 – the Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farakhan spoke to a packed auditorium of nearly 700 people at University of California Berkeley. The event was organized by the Black Student Union. As expected, local and national pro-Israel Jewish groups tried their best to get...
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    Russell Tribunal: ‘Israel is an apartheid entity’

    On Monday, the Russell Tribunal on Palestine (RTP) completed its two-days session in Cape Town (South Africa). In its unanimous verdict the RTP found that the Zionist regime is a racist and apartheid entity as defined under international law. In their recommendations, the jury called upon the...
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    Palestinian State and Israeli Hasbara

    “Americans make false promises to the world, which, in their own desperate hopes the world accepts at face value. These promises never come true, as with the treaties with the Indians. Every single one was broken,” John Kaminski, an American writer, Sept.9, 2011. The ‘world crisis’ scenario...
  7. Truth Vibrations

    Mandela: Man behind the icon -- Nelson Mandela is many things to many people -- a former president, an anti-apartheid icon, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate -- but according to his daughter, he would like to be remembered first as a family man. "My...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Grim Tidings From the Netherlands: Prince Bernhard’s Grandchildren Continue Bilderber

    Micha Kat & Jurriaan Maessen July 29, 2010 “While you here do snoring lie, Open-eyed conspiracy His time doth take.” –William Shakespeare (The Tempest) In the following article, we set out to trace the steps of two brothers, both of whom are grandsons of Bilderberg-founder...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Gandhi and The Dalai Lama Are Not Opposed to Guns

    George Washington Blog Sunday, January 3, 2010 I was raised to be against guns. My parents hated guns, and believed that they only lead to crime and to accidental shootings. Sure, I knew that the Constitution includes a right to bear arms, but I believed that it was no longer relevant and...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Obama: The Art of War & Peace

    Jeremiah Bell Digital Arts Engineer Infowars Contributor December 30, 2009 These stunning images were created and contributed by an Infowars listener. I was reading Obama’s speech for the peace prize and I got inspired to do a series of graphics that...
  11. CASPER

    Urgent: The Obama New World Order Threat?

    C/P Chaos In A Major Christian Denomination Regarding Obama! My name is Mel Sanger, an international political researcher. In February 2008 I and my group of 5 political research analysts were asked by a Major American Christian Church (can't name it for obvious reasons) to investigate...
  12. Rumas

    Quotes From Illuminati Members

    Updated 11 April 1999 Note – The word "Illuminati" was the predecessor of the two terms Zionism and / or Freemasonry. "It doesn't matter who the people voted for; they always vote for us". Illuminati Statement "We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood...