

    Canada vows stricter look at oil sands pollution

    OTTAWA – Canada said on Tuesday it will design a system to better monitor whether northern Alberta's huge oil sands projects are polluting waterways after an independent scientific panel found major flaws in the current monitoring system. Environment Minister John Baird made the announcement...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Congress sticks it to U.S. farmers with passage of food safety bill that will actually cause fresh produce to be more dangerous

    Mike Adams Natural News Wednesday, December 22, 2010 (NaturalNews) The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2751 yesterday with a 216 to 144 vote (yes, many members of the House did not even vote). The so-called Food Safety Modernization Act now heads to the President to be signed into...
  3. Unhypnotized

    WikiLeaks Set To Reveal US-UFO War In Southern Ocean
  4. Unhypnotized

    Study shows NO value in ANY Flu Vaccine

    Common myths debunked - well and truely A remarkable study published in the Cochrane Libary found no evidence of benefit for influenza vaccinations and also noted that the vast majority of trials were inadequate. The authors stated that the only ones showing benefit were industry-funded...
  5. Unhypnotized

    H1N1 vaccine linked to 700 percent increase in miscarriages

    Mike Adams Natural News Wednesday, December 8, 2010 (NaturalNews) Recent data presented to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Children’s Vaccines has revealed some shocking information about the effects of the H1N1 / swine flu vaccine on pregnant...
  6. Unhypnotized

    UN & Big Business Call for Global Light Bulb Ban to Save Climate

    Alex Newman The New American Dec 3, 2010 The United Nations and its corporate allies called for a global ban on incandescent light bulbs and kerosene lamps Wednesday at the COP16 global-warming summit in Cancun, claiming in a new study that “energy-efficient” lights would reduce the amount of...
  7. R

    Mercury is good for you! - US Mainstream Media Report, HOW STUPID ARE THE PUBLIC.flv

    Mercury is good for you! - US Mainstream Media Report, HOW STUPID ARE THE PUBLIC Source...... :mad::mad:
  8. Unhypnotized

    Water on the Moon: a Billion Gallons

    But after a year of analysis NASA today announced that its LCROSS lunar-impact probe mission found up to a billion gallons of water ice in the floor of a permanently-shadowed crater near the moon's south pole. That's enough, said researchers, to fill 1,500 Olympic-size swimming pools, all from...
  9. Unhypnotized

    "Deadly Immunity" by Robert Kennedy Jr

    When a study revealed that mercury in childhood vaccines may have caused autism in thousands of kids, the government rushed to conceal the data -- and to prevent parents from suing drug companies for their role in the epidemic. By Robert F. Kennedy Jr. * In June 2000, a group of top government...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Warning to Glenn Beck: Don’t Drink Diet Coke

    Note: For anyone still in denial about the dangers of drinking Coke, here’s Glenn Beck’s own Fox News reporting on how aspartame has been linked to a “wide range of cancers” in studies involving rats.,2933,176258,00.html Kurt Nimmo October 11, 2010...
  11. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Quotes by Famous People

    UFO Quotes from famous people including presidents, politicians and military people etc. Government Leaders President Harry S. Truman , 1950: "I can assure you that flying saucers -- given that they exist -- are not constructed by any power on Earth." President Dwight D. Eisenhower...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Climate Action Kit Complete with Religious Symbolism

    Matt Ryan September 20, 2010 I consider myself to be a pretty economical and sensible guy when it comes to taking care of the world around me. I buy mostly pre-owned or electronic books, recycle when I can, and donate my old clothes and electronics to be enjoyed by others. What...
  13. Unhypnotized

    CDC Allegedly Falsifies Reports – Ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages From H1N1 Vaccine

    Progressive Convergence Friday, September 17, 2010 A shocking report from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) presented data from two different sources demonstrating that the 2009/10 H1N1 vaccines contributed to an estimated 1,588 miscarriages and stillbirths.* A corrected...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Vaccine Deaths And Injuries Skyrocket As Cover-Up Implodes

    Global revolt against deadly vaccines spreads as cases of debilitating illnesses, soft-kill side-effects and even instant deaths become widespread Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, August 30, 2010 Cases of debilitating illnesses, soft-kill side-effects and even instant deaths as a...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Finland Suspends Swine Flu Shots After Vaccine Linked With Neurological Disorder

    Cases of narcolepsy in children jumped 300 per cent following H1N1 vaccination campaign Paul Joseph Watson Prison Wednesday, August 25, 2010 Finland’s National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has suspended the use of the H1N1 vaccine over fears that the shot is linked with...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Activists Take On Fluoridated Water in Wichita August 12, 2010 ****Concerned citizens in Wichita, Kansas, have informed that city’s public officials about a poster campaign designed to inform the public about the health hazards of water fluorination. “We know the truth. And we are growing our numbers,” writes Travis W. Crank...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Brain Eating Vaccines: The Reality Behind The “Conspiracy Theory”

    Wired Magazine hit piece attempts to debunk legitimate concerns about agenda to chemically lobotomize general public through vaccines, water supply Paul Joseph Watson Prison Wednesday, August 4, 2010 UPDATED WITH PERSONAL STATEMENT BY ALEX JONES Wired Magazine writer Jonah...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Psychic Self-Defense From Energy, Entities and Much More

    By Dr Joshua David Stone This chapter may be one of the most important in this entire book. Instead of calling this chapter psychic self defense, I could also have called it, "How to build a strong physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual immune...
  19. Unhypnotized

    July 11 TOTAL solar eclipse USE IT!

    Sunday - 11 July 2010 The Total Eclipse of the Sun The Astronomy When a Total Solar Eclipse occurs on a NEW Moon a very special energy oftransformation occurs. On July 11 this will take place.Are you ready ? Take time for this day, and utilize its very extraordinary potentials for the...
  20. M

    hollow earth and zero gravity question?

    If our earth were a hollow sphere(unlike the filled sphere as it is now) and we are made to live 'inside' it, then I guess we do not feel any gravity on us...we will just be wandering like astronauts in a space station..Is my assumption true (or do we feel gravity??)some confusions per...