
  1. T

    The plain truth without imagination

    No God but Allah ..... I invite you to embrace the religion of Islam, the religion of God is right, a religion that unites God and no one else is God Wahed Al Ahad Samad individual begets not and did not have one no longer, God is not like humans eat and sleep God holds the sky to fall...
  2. R

    The ‘Butcher of Bosnia’ and his Zionist helpers

    The war crime trail of former Bosnian Christian Serb commander Gen. Ratko Mladic at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague will resume on June 25. It was adjourned on May 17, 2012. Mladic 70, is being tried at the ICTY on eleven charges of genocide...
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    Anti-Israel protest at French Campus

    Remember the Fundo Muslim Mohammed Merah who killed three Jewish children and a rabbi at Jewish school in Toulouse over six week ago after shooting three Muslim French soldiers. The Jewish school event was so important that France’s Crypto Jewish President Nicolas Sarkosy held an international...
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    Riyadh breaks diplomatic relations with Cairo

    Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Egypt left Cairo on weekend after Riyadh announced the breaking of diplomatic relation with the most populous Arab nation of Egypt. Riyadh has closed its missions in Cairo, Alexandria and Suez. The Kingdom took the action after hundreds of Egyptian protested in front...
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    Malaysia: ‘US wants a pro-Israel regime change’

    On Saturday, thousands of protesters turned out on Kuala Lumpur streets in response to a call by a newly formed group, ‘Bersih (Clean) Coalition’, which includes several foreign NGO groups and is supported by opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, known for close ties with Muslim-hating Zionist Jew...
  6. T

    Miracle of the creation of the embryo

    God said: (((11) Who will inherit al-Firdaus. They will abide therein eternally (12) And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay (13) Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging) believers 11-13 And the Almighty said ((5) O People, if you should be in doubt about the...
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    Mossad, Iran, Syria and India’s Muslim journalist

    Zionist media is so excited in reporting the arrest of an Indian Muslim journalist in connection with Mossad false flag operation of Israeli embassy car bombing on February 13, 2012. The incident injured wife of an Israeli staff and her driver. The suspect is Syed Mohammed Ahmed Kazmi, a 25 year...
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    Sheikh Fadlallah: ‘Pride of Lebanon’

    In 2010 – Atlanta-based CNN senior editor, Octavia Nasr, a Lebanese-American Christian, was fired for publishing a Twitter message in which she showed her respect for the Lebanese cleric, Grand Ayatullah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, who passed away in Beirut on July 4, 2010. Octavia Nasr, being a...
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    Maldives: ‘Pro-Israel President booted out’

    On Monday, Republic of Maldives’ President Mohamed Nasheed was forced to resign by the anti-regime mass protests in the capital city of Male. Under Constitution, the vice-president Mohammed Waheed Hassan Manik took over country’s Presidency. Waheed called for calm and promised to appoint a unity...
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    Israel: ‘Jews are not welcome in Egypt’

    Recently, Obama have sent several of his Zionists staffers to court Muslim Brotherhood. They have met MB leaders and told them the US $1.3 billion annual aid depends on maintaining Egypt-Israel peace treaty when MB comes in power in future. The latest one is deputy secretary of state, William...
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    Qatar to help US exit from Afghanistan

    On Tuesday, Taliban officials announced they have accepted American offer to open a ‘peace-talk’ office in Doha, capital of oil-rich Sheikhdom of Qatar in return for the release of several senior Taliban officials from Guantanamo Bay concentration camp. It’s reported that former Taliban interior...
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    Israel: ‘Hizbullah to kill top Israeli Generals’

    On December 22, 2011 – Israeli daily Jerusalem Post had reported that with the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of Hizbullah commander, Imad Mughniyeh, approaching – Israel Occupation Force (IOF) has beefed-up security around former IOF chief Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi and former Mossad chief...
  13. 100th Monkey

    Flower Pot Fridge!

    "The world's cheapest and easiest refrigerator to make, it uses minimal resources and runs completely without electricity. It's called a zeer pot, or the pot-in-pot and was rebirthed by Mohammed Bah Abba, who put the laws of thermodynamics to work for mankind. The zeer pot, is just two simple...
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    Dean of RAF under Lobby’s knife

    Dean of the Royal Air Force College, Dr. Joel Hayward (born 1964) is being demonized by pro-Israel media for criticizing British and NATO’s invasion of Libya. That proves, like Sudan and Syria – Israel is a major player behind regime change in Libya. On Monday, NATO ‘liberated’ 85 innocent...
  15. CASPER

    Africa bank says Somalia war key to famine

    The head of the African Development Bank, Donald Kaberuka, blamed the famine in Africa's Horn of Africa region on climate change and "our collective failure to end the Somali civil war." "While this is a tragedy triggered by the worst drought in 60 years, it is largely about our collective...
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    Iran to block Israel’s theft of Lebanese oil/gas

    On July 11, 2011 – Lebanese Christian President Michel Suleiman warned the Zionist entity against taking any unilateral measures to exploit Lebanon’s resources in the demarcation of disputed maritime borders, vowing that the country would defend its Sea and land boundaries and rights through all...
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    Gender racism in ‘ME’s only Democracy’

    Imagine Hillary Clinton’s reaction to an International Project Management conference held in Tehran, addressed by Iran’s finance minister Dr. Shamseddin Hosseini and Tehran’s Mayor Mohammed Baqer Qalibaf – but women are not allowed to participate! I bet Dr. Susan Rice may call for UNSC meeting...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Richard Sauder on Red Ice Creations - AI Machine controls Earth

    Richard Sauder - Ayahuasca Visions & The AI Machine's Nuclear War on Humanity Richard was the first person to systematically popularize the mysterious topic of underground, and then underwater, bases and tunnels by delving into the open literature of the government, military and industry paper...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Osama Bin Laden, Carlyle Group and Mormon Illuminati

    Bushes and Bin Laden family were closer than you think. "The Bin Laden Group (Fahd Al-Rasheed, CEO, Emaar.E.C and Omar Bin Laden, Chairman, Saudi Bin Laden Group, on right) is a multinational construction conglomerate and holding company for the assets owned by the bin Laden family. It was...
  20. CASPER

    Osama bin Laden's Pakistan Haven

    To me, as an American Muslim, it’s significant that bin Laden is dead. American-Muslim groups zipped out statements through the night after news of his death: Muslims for Progressive Values said it “expresses great relief” at the death, saying, “Osama Bin Laden has singularly disgraced Islam and...