
  1. R

    Guantanamo Files: ‘The good and the bad guys’

    Recently British daily Guardian ran a story based on more than 750 leaked US military files containing secret assessments of 779 detainees at the notorious Guantanamo Bay torture camp, entitled the Guantanamo Files. Currently, 172 detainess are still kept inside the camp without trial while the...
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    Baghdad to close-down anti-Iran terrorist camp

    On Tuesday, the spokesperson of the Iraqi defense ministry, General Mohammed al-Askari, said that the three former members of Iran’s anti-Islamic-regime terrorist organization, Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MKO), escaped from Camp Ashraf, the terrorist group’s headquarters in Iraq, and surrendered to the...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Mubarak has 'Heart Attack' during questioning on abuse claims..!

    Ousted leader suffers heart attack as sons questioned Mubarak and sons facing series of abuse allegations Former leader remains hospitalised in intensive care FORMER Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was in intensive care last night after suffering a heart attack during questioning by...
  4. R

    A cat amongst the [stool] pigeons - Mohammed Junaid Babar

    Without the testimony of 'Supergrass' Mohammed Junaid Babar at the Crevice trial, would there have been enough evidence against these men to merit the 40 year life sentences they received? Especially given the statement read on behalf of these men at the end of the Crevice trial explicitly...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Evidence against 9/11 plotters revealed

    Lucile Malandain AFP April 10, 2011 US prosecutors compiled lots of evidence against the five men accused of having organized the September 11 attacks on the United States, but not until this week have details been fully revealed. The indictment charging self-professed mastermind Khalid...
  6. Unhypnotized

    9/11 suspects to be tried at Guantanamo: report

    David Edwards Raw Story April 5, 2011 The Obama administration has decided against civilian trials for five men linked to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Attorney General Eric Holder will announce Monday that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his four alleged co-conspirators will be tried in...

    Yemen toll rises as U.S. seen pressing Saleh to go

    Police and armed men in civilian clothes opened fire on anti-government demonstrators in the Yemeni cities of Taiz and Hudaida on Monday, witnesses said, as a drive to oust President Ali Abdullah Saleh gathered pace. The attempt to suppress mounting protests inspired by uprisings in Egypt and...
  8. R

    Israel: ‘Bashar, we like you more!’

    You may think that I must be an ‘anti-Semite’ to believe that the Zionist regime likes Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who signed a military treaty with Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad last year. Ahmadinejad is famous for saying that he intends to ‘wipe Israel of the map’ and bring another...
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    Earthquake targets Al-Aqsa Mosque

    Last week, I noticed an interesting news item. According to CNTV, hundreds of medical experts and first aid teams from Israel and Jordan held a joint earthquake preparedness drill to prepare for the worst case scenario. Dr. Mohammed El Hadid, President of Jordanian Red Crescent, was reported...
  10. CASPER

    Yemeni general backs democracy protesters

    Top generals, ambassadors and some tribes threw their support behind Yemen's anti-government protesters on Monday in a major blow to President Ali Abdullah Saleh as he tries to survive growing demands for his immediate departure. The president, a perennial survivor who has stayed in power for...
  11. CASPER

    Gaddafi troops move into heart of key oil port

    Forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi entered the oil port of Ras Lanuf in tanks and boats overnight as they intensified their counter-attack into the insurgent heartland. Contacted by Reuters in the early hours, rebel fighter Ibrahim al-Alwani said he and comrades still in Ras Lanuf...
  12. CASPER

    Kuwait awaits protests but no stranger to upheaval

    DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – The next scheduled stop on the Arab protest tour: Kuwait. This, however, is more of a return engagement. Calls for anti-government rallies Tuesday are an extension of nasty political skirmishes in Kuwait that were under way long before the first glint of dissent...
  13. R

    Who is behind turmoil in Libya?

    “So I came back to see him (a General at the Petagon) a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got...
  14. CASPER

    Armed pro-Gadhafi gangs roll in Libyan capital

    TRIPOLI, Libya – The embattled Libyan regime passed out guns to civilian supporters, set up checkpoints Saturday and sent armed patrols roving the terrorized capital to try to maintain control of Moammar Gadhafi's stronghold and quash dissent as rebels consolidate control elsewhere in the North...
  15. CASPER

    In setback, Iran to unload fuel from nuclear plant

    TEHRAN, Iran – In a major setback to Iran's nuclear program, technicians will have to unload fuel from the country's first atomic power plant because of an unspecified safety concern, a senior government official said. The vague explanation raised questions about whether the mysterious computer...
  16. CASPER

    Libyans say Ghadafi is arming civilians

    TRIPOLI, Libya – The embattled regime of Moammar Gadhafi is arming civilian supporters to set up checkpoints and roving patrols around the Libyan capital to control movement and quash dissent, residents said Saturday. The reports came a day after protesters demanding Gadhafi's ouster came under...
  17. R

    Sudan’s break-up: Bringing Nile water to Israel

    Two decades ago, when a military coup by a group of National Salvation Revolutionaries, lead by Brigadier General Omar Hassan Al- Basher (a pro-Islamic Front Party, NIF in his youth) took over the power in Khatoum by ending pro-West regime of Mohammed Jaafar al-Nimeiri – Israeli leaders had felt...
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    Ahmadinejad and the ‘New Middle East’

    Iranian President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during his speech at Tehran’s Azadi (Freedom) Square, honoring the 32nd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution (1979) said that Western plan to shape the Middle East in order to maintain US-Israeli dominance of the region is collapsing. Watch a video...
  19. CASPER

    Egyptian workers flee Libya amid tales of chaos

    SALLOUM, Egypt – This trash-strewn, windy desert plateau that marks the frontier with Libya was a tangle of small vans, station wagons and tour buses Tuesday — all ferrying home thousands of Egyptian workers who told of mercenaries, airstrikes and chaos in Moammar Gadhafi's violence-wracked...
  20. Unhypnotized

    How MI5 blundered over photo of two 7/7 bombers

    UK Daily Mail Feb 22, 2011 A crucial photograph of the July 7 ringleader was cut in half by an MI5 officer more than a year before the attacks in London, it was revealed yesterday. Key parts of secret surveillance pictures of Mohammed Sidique Khan and fellow bomber Shehzad Tanweer were...