
  1. White Rabbit

    Net Neutrality - The internet as you know it is about to change for the worse forever!

    We are about to lose full net neutrality, but as long as people get their Facebook and Google, they will not care! Source: We're About to Lose Net Neutrality ? And the Internet as We Know It | Wired Opinion |
  2. New UFO Hunter

    Sunday Night Football UFO 10/23/11

    Uploader says
  3. day

    No Fear

    "Sometimes I’d sit in the Dog & Duck for hours and tell stories, true stories of strange happenings; quirky stories to make people laugh, but I don’t drink anymore; the pub is okay but endless Perrier gets on my nerves. So I’ll tell my stories here from time-to-time, stories of high-mysticism...
  4. R

    U.S. Wants Regulations / Censorship on the Internet via Net Neutrality

    U.S. Wants Regulations / Censorship on the Internet via Net Neutrality Oct 25 09 Source: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  5. Unhypnotized

    DAVID ICKE interviewed by Dr. Turi TONIGHT

    DAVID ICKE interviewed by Dr. Turi TONIGHT! YES ITS TONIGHT 7:00 PM - MT! The radio show we all have been waiting for with David Icke LIVE in studio. Join us with your questions and listen on the net. Local: 602-277 KFNX – Toll Free: 1- 866-536-1100 On the net from -