nuclear power


    The Intelligence breakdown

    NO FAILURE AT ALL? Conspiracy theorists – or 9/11 skeptics as they prefer to be called – have pointed to the failure of the U.S. intelligence community to prevent the 9/11 attacks from occurring as proof the whole thing was a plot engineered by the U.S. government. In fact, 9/11 skeptics argue...

    The Black Magicians

    The secret societies, controlled by the Illuminati, have secret grades of initiations - a pyramid structure where people on one level of the pyramid do not know what the people on the level above them know. Throughout history (although the rules have been less strict recently in an effort to...

    seven visions

    As I prayed for understanding, the sword of the Spirit fled from me, upward toward Heaven. As I waited, praying, I saw before me the city of New Orleans nestled in a bend of the Mississippi River. It was night, but from my vantage point there was ample light to see the river shimmering...

    The Illusion Of Matter

    Before God created the world, there was only energy. Matter came out of energy, the relation between matter and energy was also brought to you by Albert Einstein’s famous formula: E=mc2 Energy equals mass or matter, with the relation of a constant factor. Energy and matter can therefore be...
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    MILITARIZATION IS HERE: U.S. Army on the Street in Alabama in Response to Shootings

    MILITARIZATION IS HERE: U.S. Army on the Street in Alabama in Response to Shootings We're in deep shit. This was for a mere crime. Militarization of the police underway. Steve U.S. Army Puts Soldiers on the Street in Alabama in Response to Shootings Kurt Nimmo Infowars March 11, 2009 The...
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    Netanyahu envisions 'major' war in coming months

    Netanyahu envisions 'major' war in coming months Global Research, March 15, 2009 Press TV - 2009-03-14 Amid lingering talks of war on Iran, Israel's prime minister-designate raises the alarm about a major military conflict in the coming months. The soon-to-be prime minister...
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    Military in Canada to be used for threats to 'domestic front'

    Military in Canada to be used for threats to 'domestic front' Global Research, March 10, 2009 National Post - 2009-03-04 Editor's Note This report published in Toronto's National Post suggests that Canada is replicating the national security initiatives already launched in the...
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    Obama-linked think tank calls for US “nuclear umbrella” in Middle East

    Obama-linked think tank calls for US “nuclear umbrella” in Middle East by Bill Van Auken Global Research, March 6, 2009 World Socialist Web Site Email this article to a friend Print this article US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ratcheted up bellicose US rhetoric against Iran...
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    Al Gore, we no longer believe in fairy tales!"Part one

    Readers speak: "Al Gore, we no longer believe in fairy tales!" Thursday, February 26, 2009 Your comments on The warming of the Earth, hurray we are awake! Attention to environmental brokkelt off ... at least, writes daily newspaper Trouw on 21 February. But when I the reader comments...
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    Some different info

    Coloring our perception: blue for creativity, red for safety Different colors can affect our performance at different tasks, according to new research published in Science. The color red improves risk avoidance—does this mean it's time to paint the inside of nuclear power stations bright...
  11. Denise

    LLResearch: Nuclear War (and Peace On Earth) -- from 1988)

    This material is taken from a transcript of work done by LLResearch. It can be found here (further down past the Higher self one) -- These telepathic channelings have been taken from transcriptions of the weekly study and meditation...