
  1. White Rabbit

    Obama's Half-Brother oversees financials for Wahabbism

    Looks like he not the only one committing crimes... Obama's Half-Brother Malik Obama Under Investigation in Egypt for Oversight of Muslim Brotherhood Investments October 6, 2013 Source: Obama's Half-Brother Malik Obama Under Investigation in Egypt for Oversight of Muslim Brotherhood Investments
  2. 100th Monkey

    Obama's shocking past revealed

    Finaly more information on his Obama's birth certificate. Published on Jul 15, 2013 More information on this read these threads: https://unhypnotize.com/alternative-news-media/58777-white-house-releases-obama-birth-certificate-fox-news-says-case-closed.html...
  3. Truth Vibrations

    The Truthseeker: Obama's arrest, Bush's trial

    Published on 28 Jun 2013 "We'll get Bush in the US" the world's top war crimes prosecutor tells The Truthseeker after Dubya's deputies warn him against travel, lawyers file for Obama's arrest tomorrow when he hits South Africa, huge secret wars in America's name being masked from the folks...
  4. Boiling Frog

    [Must Watch!] Obama destroyed & called a war criminal in Irish Parliament WOW!

    By George I think they got it! More here:
  5. 100th Monkey

    Syrian Girl: Obama's Lies About Chemical Weapons In Syria

    Jun 14, 2013 Same lies different war.
  6. 100th Monkey

    Strange: Obama's Alien Bodyguard??

    Wow this is freaky!
  7. Truth Vibrations

    Secret Letter Revealing Gun Control Intent for NY Exposed

    Sean Hannity Exposes Obama's Secret Plan to Confiscate Guns