Obama's Half-Brother oversees financials for Wahabbism

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Obama's Half-Brother Malik Obama Under Investigation in Egypt for Oversight of Muslim Brotherhood Investments

October 6, 2013

Appearing on Bitna al-Kibir, a live TV show in Egypt, Tahani al-Gebali, Vice President of the Supreme Constitutional Court in Egypt stated that "Obama's brother is one of the architects of investment for the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood."

According to a translation of her comments by Walid Shoebat, Gebali said, "We will carry out the law, and the Americans will not stop us. We need to open the files and begin court sessions. The Obama Administration cannot stop us; they know that they supported terrorism. We will open the files so these nations are exposed, to show how they collaborated with the terrorists. It is for this reason that the American administration fights us."

Shoebat also reported on Sept. 5 that several prominent Egyptian media sources have reported that Malik Obama is being investigated in Egypt for his role with the Islamic Dawa Organization (IDO) — based in Sudan — and the larger Muslim Brotherhood umbrella group. Complaints have been filed with Egypt's Prosecutor General Hisham Barakat that call for Obama to be put on Egypt's terror watch list and brought in for questioning about his role in financing terrorism.

Malik Obama is the executive secretary of the Islamic Dawa Organization, a group created by the Sudanese government. One of the objectives of the IDO is to spread the Saudi Wahhabite version of Islam across the African continent.

It is likely that the IDO is associated with the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief (IICDR) which consists of 86 Islamic organizations. This organization is headquartered in Cairo. Its Secretary-General is Abdullah Omar Nasseef, who is President of the Muslim World Congress world organization and its U.S. branch, which is a major Muslim Brotherhood organization, has served as Vice-President of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Shura Council and as Secretary-General of the Muslim World League from 1983-1993 and founded the Rabita Trust, which designated as a foreign terrorist organization due to its support for Al-Qaeda.

Barack Obama's relationship to his half-brother is not distant. Both were the best man at the each other's weddings. Malik Obama has visited the White House on many occasions.

In addition to being the executive secretary of the IDO, Malik Obama is also the head of the Barack H. Obama Foundation, which from 2008 until 2011 solicited tax-deductible contributions on the Internet without disclosing that it lacked tax-exempt status.

According to WND.com it was the IRS's Lois Lerner who invoked the Fifth Amendment to avoid testifying before Congress who signed the letter approving the tax-exempt (501(c)3) status for Malik's foundation in June 2011, one month after it was requested, awarding the group run by Obama's half-brother tax-exempt status retroactively to 2008.

In addition to the Barack H. Obama Foundation, the Obama family has a second foundation, the Mama Sarah Obama Foundation. This foundation gives scholarships to study Sharia at the three major Sharia schools in Saudi Arabia: Umm al-Qura, the Islamic University in Medina, and the University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh. This foundation is run by Obama's step-grandmother Sarah Obama, after whom it is named, Obama's cousin Musa Obama and Obama's uncle Sayed Obama.

It should also be recalled that in August Saad al-Shater, the son of Egypt's jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader, Khairat al-Shater, claimed to have evidence that could "land Barack Obama in prison." He told Turkey's Anatolia news agency that Obama had sent a senior delegation to Cairo to get al-Shater's father and other Brotherhood leaders out of prison in order to prevent the release of explosive documents that could incriminate both Obama and the United States. Saad al-Shater was arrested by Egyptian authorities on Aug. 28.

Obama's Half-Brother Malik Obama Under Investigation in Egypt for Oversight of Muslim Brotherhood Investments