

    Russia hopes nuclear ship will fly humans to Mars

    MOSCOW – Russia should build a new nuclear-powered spaceship for prospective manned missions to Mars and other planets, the nation's space chief said Thursday. Anatoly Perminov first proposed building the ship at a government meeting Wednesday but didn't explain its purpose. President Dmitry...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Doug Casey on Global Warming

    Lew Friday, Oct 9th, 2009 Interviewed by Louis James, Editor, International Speculator L: [Phone rings. It’s Doug Casey, whose gravelly, "Lobo, let’s talk!" always makes me smile.] Hi Doug! What’s on your mind? Doug: Global warming. People like my fanatical neighbors here in...

    Why It's So Hard to Make Nuclear Weapons

    It took only a matter of hours last week for the United Nations' nuclear watchdog agency to shoot down a news report that its experts had drafted a secret document warning that Iran has the expertise to build a nuclear bomb. "With respect to a recent media report, the IAEA [International Atomic...
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    Forbidden History of the Moon (Alex Collier)

    Forbidden History of the Moon (Alex Collier) (Translated: From Dutch) Saturday, August 22, 2009 We live in interesting times. We share a general interest in our country and our world. We are temporarily interested in new and previously provided information and discoveries about space, until...

    Gov't considers 7 states for mercury site

    RICHLAND, Wash. – The federal government is trying to find a location to store the nation's excess mercury deposits, with seven states being considered. But the government is quickly finding out that very few people want the stuff. A Colorado woman who showed up at a public forum on the issue...

    UN panel issues new sanctions against North Korea

    UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. imposed new sanctions Thursday against five North Korean officials, four companies and a state agency, and banned imports of two weapons-making materials, in a rare unified push by the world's powers to thwart Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions. The sanctions, which take...

    Uranium gives NKorea second way to make bombs

    SEOUL, South Korea – After repudiating negotiations on dismantling its plutonium-based nuclear program, North Korea admitted this month to having an even more worrying way to make bombs. Following nearly seven years of adamant denials, North Korea announced it can enrich uranium — a simpler...
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    Department of Energy Loses Track of Radioactive Material

    FEB 24/09 Department of Energy Loses Track of Radioactive Material The Department of Energy has done a poor job of tracking nuclear materials it has loaned under licenses to contractors, educational institutions and other organizations,In some cases, the department cannot say where where the...