
  1. Lady of Light

    Money Doesn't Solve Problems

    Money has never solved any problems. People solve problems by sharing their love and helping others. Money destroys the good in humanity. It's not the money that helps the people; it's the people that help the people. It is people who share their time, and put their efforts toward helping...
  2. Denise

    The 10 Commandments of Survival

    This write-up from TheSurvivalWoman otherwise known as Gaye Levy that first appeared on the lady's web site
  3. Lady of Light

    [Attention] Psychic Counseling Now Availabe (Over 20 Years Experience)

    I am an unlicensed therapist that accepts donations for counseling. I have over 20 years experience. I help individuals, couples, and groups. I can help you work through any and all problems you are having in any area of your life. If you feel troubled and don't know who to talk to, I can lend...
  4. W

    Thoughts on Population Control

    It seems to me that the problem is not the overpopulation of the planet, but that we are failing to distribute resources well enough. How do you think we could overcome our problems?
  5. Unhypnotized

    Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won’t Help Facebook’s Privacy Problems

    Business Insider Thursday, May 13, 2010 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his company are suddenly facing a big new round of scrutiny and criticism about their cavalier attitude toward user privacy. An early instant messenger exchange Mark had with a college friend won’t help put these...
  6. Unhypnotized

    The youngsters who struggle to speak because their parents let them to watch too much

    UK Daily Mail Monday, January 4th, 2010 Nearly a quarter of boys – and one in seven girls – is struggling to learn to talk because thousands of households keep their TV sets on constantly making it difficult for them to understand the speech of adults around them. A survey revealed how 22 per...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Healthcare Reform is a Lump of Coal

    Ron Paul Campaign For Liberty Tuesday, Dec 29th, 2009 Last week on Christmas Eve, after many backroom deals were made, the Senate passed the healthcare reform bill with a strictly partisan vote. I was pleased that my colleagues in the GOP are on the right side of this bill. Although this vote...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Chemtrails - Combating???

    In Researching remedies for chemtrails: Its a Fact! Chemtrails cause Chronic Health Problems. And the problem is growing. Your symptoms and health problems are not in your head! Chemtrails is a very real cause of many health problems in America and...