
  1. 100th Monkey

    Russell Brand to RT: MSM 'ingredient for oppression' ignored,at No More Austerity Protest 50,000 in Attendance

    Russell Brand to RT: MSM 'ingredient for oppression' ignored Russel Brand at No More Austerity Protest 50,000 in Attendance Published on 21 Jun 2014 Russel Brand at No More Austerity Protest 50,000 in Attendance
  2. Boiling Frog

    Trucker Strike possible, stock up on supplies!

    If this get big, they will be asking all of us to stop going to work for 3 days. Just make sure you have some extra supplies on hand! Sources: Truckers Shutting Down DC To Protest The Federal Government And Its ?Bulls**t? | Ben Swann Truth In Media | Lets Roll!
  3. Truth Vibrations

    Protest on the planet from 1979 to 2013

    The 70's are not as bad as today, by the end of the video there are a ton. "Penn State doctoral candidate John Beieler has created a time-lapse visualization of every protest on the planet since 1979, and its jaw dropping" Ultraculture | Tools for a Better Future
  4. 100th Monkey

    Thousands protest in Chicago before and during NATO summit May 20 & 21

    Protest march Live in Chicago right now and for the next 2 days... you can watch archives and live at this link!!! TWITTER.COM/LukeWeAreChange YOUTUBE.COM/WeAreChange FACEBOOK.COM/LukeWeAreChange We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization...
  5. Unhypnotized

    The LOVE POLICE - London Protest 26/03/2011

    At last there are far more of individuals who awaken and care to open up their mouths to draw in opposition to those cowardly practices and capitalistic methods of the so call PTB. March for the Alternative. The Love police - London Protest 26/03/11 Filmed and Produced By Shane Cairn in...
  6. Unhypnotized

    15 Year Old Kick Starts The Revolution

    This is what really has TPTB really flapping. School Students Against the War | Afghanistan: Troops out now protest | 20 November 2010 | London Coalition of Resistance conference | School Student | 27 Nov 2010
  7. R

    Protest against wireless technologies in Brussels

    Protest against wireless technologies in Brussels Thursday, April 30, 2009 Some action against electromagnetic radiation have announced a protest action in the margins of Brussels a conference on wireless technologies that take place Thursday on the campus of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel...