
  1. Unhypnotized

    "Liquid Ice" Produced Inside Russian Pyramid? or MythBusters Instant Frozen Beer

    David Wilcock mentioned this on his December 2010 coast to coast appearance. This is a video of water from inside one of the modern Russian pyramids. Even though it is in the middle of winter the water does not freeze; however, when the person hits the bottle of water it instantly freezes, or...
  2. Unhypnotized

    The Pyramid Code - Carmen Boulter

    Here is an amazing documentary about the Pyramids. It challenges the officials explanations of the pyramids "experts" stating that the pyramids were tombs. Here official website: The Camelot interview with Kerry Cassidy...

    All Electrons Are (Not) Alike

    1 A view of the sea is the beginning of the journey. An image of Columbus, starting out from the abyss, enters the left hemisphere. Profusion of languages out of the blue. Bluster, blur, blubber. My father was troubled by inklings of Babel and multiplication on his table. Afraid that an overload...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Italian Pyramids

    David Wilcock mention the Italian pyramids in his recent interviews: The interview (pyramids mentioned @1:38:30): Possible Italian pyramids? Mysterious Pyramid - Santa Agata dei Goti (BN) - Italy Pyramid Monolith of Mt.S.Martino...
  5. Unhypnotized

    The Hidden Meanings in the New american $100 Bill!

    Bix Weir First of all, I must admit that I am one of those "Conspiracy Nuts" who loves to read meaning into the back of the US $1 bill like I'm trying to solve a centuries old puzzle. The "All Seeing Eye", the pyramid, "One World Government"...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Alex Jones: The Real Pyramid of Power

    [/URL]Nov 12, 2010 Alex breaks down the real pyramid of power and identifies the real puppet masters that control major world events. Source...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Ian Xel Lungold - Secrets Of The Mayan Calendar Unveiled

    Ian Xel Lungold present and explains the evolution (acceleration) of the human consciousness and goes further. This is one of the best presentation on the mayan pyramid of evolution. He reveals and explains what we have/are experiencing from a fundamental view point. Play list is here...
  8. Unhypnotized

    The Bernanke Speech

    The Economic Collapse Oct 16, 2010 When Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke gives a speech about the U.S. economy, it gets a whole lot more attention than when Barack Obama gives a speech about the U.S. economy.* Why is this true?* Well, it is because Bernanke has a whole lot more control...
  9. New UFO Hunter

    ETs Built The Pyramids

    09-24-2010 04:48 AM 'The pyramid is highlighted in red, and its two diagonals are extended beyond the end of the pyramid to the north-east and north-west.* The mass of squiggly lines above the pyramid is the Delta of the Nile River, and, as you can see the two diagonals encase the Nile neatly...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Animal, Vegetable, or E. O. Wilson

    Willis Eschenbach Watts Up With That? Sept 13, 2010 Buoyed by the equal parts of derision and support I received for writing in “I am So Tired Of Malthus” about how humans are better fed than at any time in history, I am foolishly but bravely venturing once again into the question of how we...
  11. Unhypnotized

    The Pyramid Code

    An interesting video on pyramids, Its refreshingly open minded for a mainstream program:
  12. Unhypnotized

    Keyhole & Arrow (Pyramid & Eye) Crop Circle Decoded?

    05-25-2010 04:33 AM 'I would say due to the alchemical/symbolic nature of the crop circle I would say the "sh*t is going to hit the fan" around August 6th...Maybe.** I'll explain the date further down.* The keyhole crop circle may be inferring the merging of the energetic principles of Isis...
  13. Unhypnotized

    The 10 biggest health care lies in America

    Mike Adams Natural News April 21, 2010 Mainstream health care isn’t based on “health” or “caring.” It’s actually based on an engrained system of medical mythology that’s practiced — and defended — by those who profit from the continuation of sickness and disease. This system of medical...
  14. day

    The Nephilim, the Great Pyramid & The Apocalypse

    The Nephilim, the Great Pyramid & The Apocalypse Patrick Heron discusses the Nephilim, the Great Pyramid & The Apocalypse. Lecture given from the Ancient of Days UFO Abduction conference. Many Biblical researchers, who consider UFOs and abductions to be real and worthy of both scientific and...
  15. R

    [Video] The Pyramid Code - Ep - 1 Ep 2

    The Pyramid Code - Ep - 1 Ep 2 The Pyramid Code is a documentary series of 5 episodes that explores the pyramid fields and ancient temples in Egypt as well as ancient megalithic sites around the world looking for clues to matriarchal consciousness, ancient knowledge and sophisticated...
  16. day

    Joseph P. Farrell - Secrets Of The Unified Field 01/11

    Investigator of alternative technologies, Joseph P. Farrell discussed his research into secret military projects such as 'the Bell' made by the Third Reich, and the Philadelphia Experiment conducted in the United States. Both projects may have incorporated Einstein's Unified Field Theory, and...
  17. Unhypnotized

    A temple complex in Turkey that predates even the pyramids

    History in the Remaking Excerpt from the article: “They call it potbelly hill, after the soft, round contour of this final lookout in southeastern Turkey. To the north are forested mountains. East of the hill lies the biblical plain of Harran, and to the south is the Syrian border, visible...
  18. day

    Dreaming the Pyramid

    is written by Stephane Wuttanae a French Canadian Cree. This book is written in English, French and Cree. Stephane Wuttanae has generously given permission to freely distribute this book and cannot be sold anywhere. The author examines the Great Pyramid in a new way -- :feathers...
  19. day

    Urgent Message from Dr. Masaru Emoto regarding Haiti Quake

    January 28th, 2010 Urgent Message from Dr. Masaru Emoto regarding Haiti Quake "What I Think Regarding Haiti Quake" I would like to express my sincere sympathy for the victims of Haiti quake that struck on the 12th of January, 2010. Approximately 90 years ago, in 1923, there was the earthquake...
  20. R

    Ron Paul: America has become a psychotic country

    Ron Paul: America has become a psychotic country Tuesday, January 19, 2010 America's political "gadfly" Ron Paul, who gets more supporters, in Congress in just minutes a particularly brutal and precise analysis of the state of the United States at the beginning of the decade: absurd ...