
  1. Denise

    Consumer food production companies GMO Black List

    Here is a list of consumer food production companies that are know to use GMO's! Avoid them if you can, and keep your family safe!
  2. Truth Vibrations

    NSA surveillance reach broader than publicly acknowledged

    You know the old saying: "power corrupts" NSA is a classic example! NSA surveillance reach broader than publicly acknowledged | Fox News
  3. Lady of Light

    The True Lady Of Light: Ascended Being, Helping Humanity Transition With The Earth And Reach Enlightenment

    Hello everyone, It's time for me to stop hiding and stop pretending. It's time for me to open up, be who I really am, and start doing what I came here to do; to put my true powers to work. I am a higher being who has come here to help the people of this world ascend with their planet. I am...