
  1. Truth Vibrations

    David Wilcock update: US Military Alliance Defeating Federal Reserve

    More: CONFIRMED: US Military Alliance Defeating Federal Reserve We will see!
  2. R

    Federal Reserve and the missing 674 tons gold

    Several western nations are finding out how the Zionist mafia is swindling their gold wealth stored in the US Federal Reserve Bank, a privately owned ‘gold warehouse’ established in 1913. The latest story comes from Germany’s Bundesbank, which decided to repatriate its 674 metric tons (out of...
  3. Truth Vibrations

    Russian TV Exposes Financial Tyranny with David Wilcock, Part 1-- Jan. 16, 2013

    Published on Feb 4, 2013
  4. 100th Monkey

    Lindsey Williams Issues A Dire WARNING : There Is Something Very Drastic In The Works

    Tuesday, October 30, 2012 16:21 Lindsey Williams: The most dastardly act that has ever been perpetrated on the American people in the history of this country probably took place on Sept. 13, 2012. You saw it in the national news, and everyone heard what Mr. Bernanke said, but very few...
  5. Lady of Light

    US States creating their own banks

    Max Keiser discusses with Ellen Brown author of 'Web of Debt' 1. Hawaii 2. Oregon 3. Washington 4. Illinois 5. Louisiana 6. Maryland 7. Virginia 8. Massachusetts It mentions North Dakota that is already operating outside the Federal Reserve System and lo and behold has one of the lowest...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Richard Belzer calls out the Federal Reserve on HBO

    Monday, Oct 12th, 2009 Richard Belzer on Real Time with Bill Maher exposing the Federal Reserve plot to destroy the country and their roll in the assassination of JFK. This video is copyright of HBO and is presented under fair use guidelines. Source...
  7. R

    VIDEO: Is Anyone Minding the Store at the Federal Reserve?

    VIDEO: Is Anyone Minding the Store at the Federal Reserve? YouTube - High Quality Version: Is Anyone Minding the Store at the Federal Reserve?. May 15th, 2009 in Breaking News
  8. R

    UN panel touts new global currency reserve system

    March 27th, 2009 in Breaking News UN panel touts new global currency reserve system. A UN panel of expert economists pressed Thursday for a new global currency reserve scheme to replace the volatile, dollar-based system and for coordinated steps by rich countries to stimulate their economies...
  9. R

    Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009

    H.R. 1207: 111th Congress 2009-2010 Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 To amend title 31, United States Code, to reform the manner in which the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is audited by the Comptroller General of the United States and the manner in which such audits...