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    Rwandan President Kagame in Canada

    The leaders of African communities from Rwanda, Burundi, Congo and Tanzania in Canada have petitioned the pro-Israel Harper government in Ottawa not to allow Rwandan president Paul Kagame to enter Canada on September 27-28, 2013. The petition reminds Harper government that Kagame is world...

    Rare mountain gorilla twins born in Rwanda

    A mountain gorilla in northern Rwanda gave birth to twins, a rare occurrence for an endangered species which counts fewer than 800 individuals, Rwandan media reported Monday. "The twins, both of them males, were born Thursday of a mother gorilla called Kabatwa. They are doing well," Radio...
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    World abandoned Rwanda during genocide of 800,000 people

    April 7th, 2009 in Breaking News, New World Disorder World abandoned Rwanda during genocide of 800,000 people World ‘abandoned’ Rwanda during genocide. KIGALI (AFP) – Rwanda President Paul Kagame on Tuesday slammed the cowardice of an international community that “abandoned” his people, 15...