
  1. R

    Syria’s ‘Color Revolution’

    One wonders why Zionist Jew George Soro’s Freedom House would be so worried about the human rights of Syrian Muslims, while it never gave a hoot to the gross Israeli violations against Native Muslims and Christians for the last 60 years? On March 21, 2011 – the Freedom House in its ’Press...
  2. R

    The ‘Jewish influence’ on ME Revolutions

    Eric Herschthal writing in ‘The Jewish Week’ (February 15, 2011) had claimed that Gene Sharp’s 90-page manual ‘From Dictatorships to Democracy’ had “the Jewish influence on Egypt’s glorious revolution’. In order to clear the ‘fog’ – he immediately informed his readers that Gene Sharp (born 1928)...

    Bahraini Shiites bury their dead from crackdown

    MANAMA, Bahrain – Bahrain's Shiites are burying their dead amid a continued government crackdown in this Sunni-ruled island nation in the Persian Gulf. Thousands gathered on Friday for the funeral of an anti-government protester in Sitra, the hub of Bahrain's oil industry southwest of the...
  4. Unhypnotized

    300,000 People Rally Across Portugal

    'More than 300,000 people have taken to streets in Portugal's capital Lisbon and 10 other major cities to protest lack of job opportunities in their country. An estimated 200,000 protesters in Lisbon crammed the wide Liberdade Avenue and the Rossio Square, carrying banners with slogans urging a...
  5. Unhypnotized

    ‘Massive protests loom in Saudi Arabia’

    Press TV March 5, 2011 Massive anti-government protests are impending in Saudi Arabia following the arrest of a senior cleric who called for political reform in the country, an analyst says. The recent “crackdown” in the city of Qatif on a protest for the release of political prisoners will...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Interactive Eugenics Entertainment by an Advocate of Genocide of You, the ‘Useless Eaters’

    By Neil Foster The Sovereign Independent March 4, 2011 I remember being in a bar in Dublin a few years ago and sitting at a table unfortunate enough to have a picture of George Bernard Shaw on the wall. I asked the manager if he knew anything about Shaw to which he replied, being a proud...
  7. E

    'Free Libya' chants heard in city near capital

    'Free Libya' chants heard in city near capital EmailPrint.. AP – Libyan pro-Gadhafi security forces man a checkpoint on the way to Zawiya, 30 miles (50 kilometers) west … . By MAGGIE MICHAEL, Associated Press Maggie Michael, Associated Press – 24 mins ago ZAWIYA, Libya – With residents...
  8. R

    Pro-democracy protests in Israel’s backyard

    “In the safe haven of Iraqi Kurdistan, the Jews and Israel are remembered fondly, if increasingly vaguely,” Michael Rubin in ‘The Other Iraq’. The regime-change protests in the Arab world have arrived to the most undesirable place – the Iraqi Kurdistan which is controlled by Washington-Tel Aviv...
  9. R

    Nasrallah: ‘To Galilee pilgrim’

    Lebanese Islamic Resistance leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah has really scare the hell out of Zionazi Benji Netanyahu. In his recent address to the Resistance freedom-fighters, Nasrallah said: “I say to the fighters of the Islamic Resistance: be ready. If a new war is imposed on Lebanon we may ask...
  10. Truth Vibrations

    Egyptians go back to work without Mubarak in power -- After throngs of Egyptians put their lives on hold for more than two weeks, Egypt woke up Sunday to its first regular work day without longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak as president. For the first time since demonstrators...
  11. R

    Yvonne Ridley: Today the power is with the people

    To save his ill-gotten wealth, Hosni Mubarak finally listened to Ben-Obama and yesterday stepped down and handed-over his powers to his deputy General Omar Suleiman, a known CIA-Mossad agent in Egypt. Mubarak’s decision came after over two weeks of protests in which million of people came on the...
  12. CASPER

    Scientology airs ad on NBC after damaging New Yorker profile

    The Church of Scientology has been airing a new ad on NBC the same week New Yorker writer Lawrence Wright published a lengthy feature story that accuses the religion's founder of doctoring his war history while revealing that the FBI is investigating the church for alleged human-trafficking...
  13. R

    Khamenei: ‘Protests in the world of Islam echo voice of Iranian nation’

    Yesterday, the Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in his Friday Khutba said that the ongoing developments in North Africa and other parts of the world of Islam echo voice of Iranian nation. Delivering his second Friday prayers sermon at Tehran University campus...
  14. R

    Road to al-Quds passes through Cairo, Baghdad and Riyadh

    Road to al-Quds passes through Cairo, Baghdad and Riyadh The Leader of Islamic Revolution (1979), Imam Khomeini is quoted as saying that road to Jerusalem passes through Cairo, Baghadad and Riyadh. What he meant was that Muslims cannot recover their third most sacred city of Al-Quds without...
  15. R

    Israel’s ‘Save Mubarak’ Campaign

    On January 31, 2011 – Israel’s mass-circulated English daily Ha’aretz had reported that “Israel called on the United States and a number of European countries over the weekend to curb their criticism of President Hosni Mubarak to preserve stability in the region”. Israel’s ‘Save Mubarak’...
  16. Truth Vibrations

    Egypt-Americans across U.S. protest Mubarak rule -- Saturday saw protests across the United States, held to express solidarity with the anti-government demonstrations currently roiling Egypt. Whether on the East Coast or the West Coast, crowds carried banners, flags and...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Ban Ki-moon gives up fight against climate change

    the reference frame Jan 28, 2011 In November 2009, the ClimateGate erupted and many of us were convinced that the establishment of climate fear would quickly collapse. I was imagining that it would be as fast as the Velvet Revolution that began exactly 20 years earlier. So many climate...
  18. R

    The Pharoah is doomed

    The mass protests against the Western puppet Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year iron-fist rule is gaining momentum each day now. Six people have died and hundreds of protesters have been rounded-up by the security agencies. The protests in the most populous country (79 million with 90% Muslims and rest...
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    Nasrallah and Tunisian ‘Yasmine Revolution’

    I am not sure if the term ‘Yasmine Revolution’ coined by the Western media for the current Tunisian public rising against former dictator Ben Ali and his local and foreign collaborators in the US, Israel, France, Germany and Itlay - is stolen from Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1987 ‘soft revotion’ or it’s...
  20. R

    Zionism: Israeli Ambassador vs Spanish academic

    “This Israeli state had its origin in a brilliant conspiracy that leveraged the power of the very peoples who hated the Jews. The Zionists made a compact with their ancient tormentors: We will rid you of your Jews if you help us to establish a Jewish colonial-settler state in Palestine. In...