
  1. Unhypnotized

    PICK OF THE WEEK: Rising Solar Prominence

    A cloud of plasma (solar prominence) rose up above the Sun as SOHO was taking an image of it... More...
  2. New UFO Hunter

    SOHO - Nibiru Ufo fleet or perhaps Annunaki winged orbs ( Not Nibiru ) large NASA cover up disclosed help to make viral

    Now this absolutely looks fascinating. Purely to point out, these images happened to be found yesterday - 7th 04 2011- but are from 1997 or 1998 - therefore they should definitely still be up within SOHO website due to the fact this person discovered them. It's going to be interesting to see...
  3. W


  4. Unhypnotized

    PICK OF THE WEEK: Three's no crowd

    SOHO caught three solar storms as they blasted clouds of particles into space over about a one-day period... More...
  5. Unhypnotized

    PICK OF THE WEEK: Far-side Blast

    The STEREO (Ahead) spacecraft caught a large coronal mass ejection as it roared away from the Sun and out into space in the opposite direction from Earth... More...
  6. Unhypnotized

    PICK OF THE WEEK: Large Flare and CME

    The clip of the large X2 flare (Feb. 15, 2011) seen by Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in extreme ultraviolet light has been enlarged and superimposed on SOHO's C2 coronagraph for the same period. This was the largest flare in over four years. More...
  7. Unhypnotized

    "Suicide" Comet Storm Hits Sun

    The sun-kissing comet Ikeya-Seki, as it appeared in the dawn sky in 1965. Photograph by Victor R. Boswell, Jr., National Geographic Andrew Fazekas for National Geographic News Published...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Comets Contain Antimatter

    Hoteev Hypothesis: Comets Contain Antimatter By Stoyan Sarg: York University, Canada Dr. Asparuh Petrakiev: Retired professor, member of the Internationally Academy IAELPS Nikolaos Balaskas, M.S. : York University, Canada During the IX International conference, Space, Time, Gravitation, 7-11...

    SOHO spots 2000th comet

    Drawing on help from citizen scientists around the world, SOHO has become the single greatest comet finder of all time. As people on Earth celebrate the holidays and prepare to ring in the New Year, a European Space Agency (ESA)/NASA spacecraft has quietly reached its own milestone. On December...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Easy Way - Step by Step to proof PLANET X (NIBIRU) Using Your Phone Camera !!

    Proof it yourself: there's something big out there near our sun...thirteenth bak'tuns 12-21-2012! Recomended time to shot »» > 02.00 PM with cloudless sky. Important thing: Camera must be set on negative mode & zoom it to 3/4 or maximum. 1. Tools: a. Nokia phone/other phone that support...
  11. CASPER

    Madoff's eldest son hangs himself in NYC apartment

    NEW YORK – He was never charged in the case that sent his father to prison after thousands were swindled of their life savings, but for two years, the eldest son of disgraced financier Bernard Madoff still bore the toxic burden of a name that meant fraud to the world. On Saturday, the second...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Murder Or Suicide? Bernie Madoff’s son, Mark, found dead

    KIRSTEN FLEMING, JAMIE SCHRAM, DOUG AUER and CANDICE M. GIOVE New York Post Saturday, December 11, 2010 Bernard Madoff’s son Mark was found dead in the living room of his SoHo apartment this morning — hanging from a black dog leash on the two-year anniversary of his father’s stunning...
  13. Unhypnotized

    CME Headed Towards Earth, NASA Say Solar Flare Will Strike Earth Nov.14/15

    Coronal Mass Ejection Headed Towards Earth, NASA Say Solar Flare Will Strike Earth Nov. 14 Or 15 EARTH-DIRECTED ERUPTION: Active sunspot 1123 erupted during the early hours of Nov. 12th, producing a C4-class solar flare and apparently hurling a filament of material in the general direction of...
  14. Unhypnotized

    PICK OF THE WEEK: Kamikaze Comet

    SOHO watched as a comet appeared to head right for the Sun (Oct. 19-21, 2010). The comet, composed of ice and dust, must have disintegrated as it got very close to the heat and pressure of the Sun. The sungrazer was discovered by a Chinese comet hunter, Bo Zhou, on Oct. 19th in the SOHO...
  15. Unhypnotized

    PICK OF THE WEEK: Prominence Lift-Off

    STEREO (Ahead) kept a steady eye on a narrow portion of a solar prominence that rose up, wavered, and finally broke away from the Sun (May 28-30, 2010). It appeared that the trailing portion of the prominence still remained behind. With the spacecraft's viewing angle at edge on, the prominence...
  16. Unhypnotized

    The moment comet was eaten up after orbiting too close to the sun

    Scott Warren Mail Online January 5, 2010 A comet has been captured by Nasa being ‘eaten’ as it flies too close to the sun. The space agency’s solar-focused agency – Solar and Helioscopic Observatory (SOHO) – captured footage of the Kreutz Sungrazer as it made its fateful approach. The footage...
  17. CASPER

    Solar cycle linked to global climate, drives events similar to El Nino and La Nina

    Building on our understanding of the solar cycle, we may be able to connect its influences with weather probabilities in a way that can feed into longer-term predictions. July 20, 2009 Establishing a key link between the solar cycle and global climate, new research led by the National Center...
  18. CASPER

    New insight into the Sun's mysterious quiet period

    Sonograms of the Sun explain mystery of the missing sunspots. Scientists from the National Solar Observatory (NSO) in Tucson, Arizona, have discovered that a solar jet stream deep inside the Sun is migrating slower than usual through the star's interior, giving rise to the current lack of...
  19. R

    Not-so-quiet Sunday

    Not-so-quiet Sunday Saturday, April 25, 2009 The sun produced an unexpected burst of activity on April 23rd when an enormous Prominence rose on the northeastern limb and erupted. SOHO recorded the blast from beginning to end with a series of high-Cadence UV snapshots. The complex...
  20. R

    Why so boring?

    Why so boring? Thursday, April 2, 2009 Can still see? This weekend is known as the Rural view day stars Translated version of over the door and it seems that the weather gods us very favorable, haleluja. The object which we have...