
  1. White Rabbit

    The UNITED STATES is a Corporation - There are 2 Constitutions - Sovereignty

    Here is one of the biggest hoaxes being played on the American people.
  2. New UFO Hunter

    Scientists postulate Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA

    Peter Jiang and Jenny Li The Canadian May 21, 2011 Collaborative research from a gathering of exo-scientists postulate that there are genes from over 20 extraterrestrials civilizations in Human DNA. These exo-scientists have continued the work of Nobel Prize winner Dr. Frances Crick, and...
  3. Denise

    Sheldan Nidle ~ Prosperity and Freedom Will Fill Your Lives ~ February 7, 2012

    9 Akbal, 16 Yax, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! We come to tell you that Earth's secret sacred societies are very close to success. Both the Eastern and Western branches of these societies recently signed off on a number of documents confirming that the dark no longer has any input regarding the...
  4. New UFO Hunter

    NEWS: "As Scientists Search for Alien Worlds, Has ET Life Has Already Made Contact?"

    As Scientists Search for Alien Worlds, One Man Claims ET Life Has Already Made Contact BOULDER, Colo., Jan. 31, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As Kepler continues to scan the stars for habitable worlds, author Marshall Vian Summers claims a message from an ET source has already arrived on Earth...
  5. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ We Are Your Future Selves ~ January 6, 2012

    Naturally we need to be aware of what Michael is doing, and have been following the events associated with the trip to Neptune. What we must however stress is that we have our own responsibilities, and would never interfere with the mission of another, in the same manner that we would not...
  6. 100th Monkey

    Pope Said Freemasonry is Satanism

    "Until Freemasons took over the Papacy, many Catholic popes condemned the cult as a mortal threat. In 1902, Leo XIII said the aim of Freemasonry is "to exercise an occult overlordship upon society; [its] sole raison d'etre is to wage war against God and His church." Modern history and the New...
  7. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Ascension Comes With All It

    The Human Race is proving to be one that is capable of experiencing the depth of darkness, and yet can still find its Light and raise itself up. The experience was indeed meant to strongly test your abilities, and you have been subjected to the most extreme conditions imposed upon you by the...
  8. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Keep Shining Your Light ~ January 30, 2012

    Have no fears because much can happen from just one week to another, and the plan for your release from the dark Ones is progressing along very nicely. As we have already suggested, keep aware of the developments around the world as your wishes for change are coming true. It is a matter of...
  9. Denise

    2002 Sheldan Nidle ~ Galactic Federation message

    January 14, 2012 at 4:52am Our A-E-O-N Spiritual Helpers Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7 Ix, 17 Mac, 10 Caban April 9, 2002 Selamat Jarin! We come again, dear Hearts, with more good news! As you prepare for your new reality, we wish to...
  10. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Taking Your Place As Galactic Beings ~ January 19, 2012

    Trust in us and God that events are going to proceed as promised, and do not worry as to the timing as it will occur in a way that is exactly correct for the desired outcome. Also be assured that the end times will work out as planned, and that responsibility is ours and everything is totally...
  11. Denise

    Sheldan Nidle ~ Focus on the Reality You Desire ~ January 10, 2012

    7 Men, 8 Chen, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! The events that promise to transform your world are close to manifesting! We have been told by our Earth allies that a massive global event is close. We are approaching what is known on your world as the New Year of the Chinese calendar. It is the Year...
  12. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ The Universe Awaits The Outcome of Events ~ January 9, 2012

    The energies around the world continue to build up, and are carried by the grid that is lifting up the Earth. All is preparing for the final thrust of energy, that will propel it into the new level of expression and out of duality. It will also fulfill the promises of a new Age that will be...
  13. Denise

    Sheldan Nidle ~ You Are Physical Angels in a New Star Nation ~ January 3, 2012

13 Lamat, 1 Chen, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Much continues to happen across your world. The global movement toward freedom is strengthening each day, and even the military challenges experienced by many in their pursuit of justice can only temporarily delay the inevitable. A huge upwelling...
  14. R

    Pakistan needs to drop its ‘American baggage’

    Year 2011 saw Pakistan Army elites turning against their American masters for the last five decades. It began with the Hollywood-style murder of already dead Osama Bin Laden in May, followed by killing of 26 Pakistani soldiers and the notorious memogate affair against Pakistan army involving...
  15. Denise

    Bank of Canada Challenged in Legal Action

  16. Boiling Frog

    (Red Ice Radio) Frank O'Collins - The Roman Cult (Law) & The Khazars

    November 24, 2011 Frank O'Collins Great Great Grandfather was an ex-Attorney General of Australia... Some excellent insights as to where the origins of 'Law & Theology' began...
  17. Denise

    Message from Melchizedek: Your Core Essence Received by Marlene Swetlishoff November

    Beloved Ones, We begin this discourse by focusing your attention on your own core essence. Inside each of you there is a crystalline core that has been with you since your first sojourn upon this Planet. This core essence of you has experienced all that can be experienced upon this World...
  18. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Your Wait Will Soon Be Over Like A Bad Dream ~ November 23, 2011

    People power is growing and what you are seeing around the world is how successful you can be when you group together in a common purpose. It may take time to achieve complete success, but once you set the ball rolling its momentum will carry it forward. Governments will take note of your...
  19. Denise

    Sheldan Nidle ~ New Energies Bring a New Reality ~ November 22, 2011

    10 Cimi, 19 Xul, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return with more to say about your world and its divine transformation. As Gaia moves ever closer to altering your surface reality, the Agarthans are using their abilities to prevent the dark from having any hope of mounting a comeback. Right...
  20. Denise

    Message from The Guardian Council of the Golden Ray shared through Jill Renee Feeler

    Integrating Light Codes and Preparing for the further 2011 Gateways and Activations Greetings and blessings. We are a collective consciousness of Guardians of the Golden Ray sharing wisdom and perspectives on the very unique time phase you are experiencing. Our energetic translator is one of...