timothy geithner

  1. Unhypnotized

    The Real Reason Newspapers Are Losing Money, And Why Bailing Out Failing Newspapers W

    Washington’s Blog Wednesday, Dec 23rd, 2009 Conventional wisdom is that the Internet is responsible for destroying the profits of traditional print media like newspapers. But Michael Moore and Sean Paul Kelley are blaming the demise of newspapers on simple greed. Michael Moore said in...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Giant Banks Are Trying to Make Bailouts Permanent

    Washington’s Blog December 10, 2009 According to the following Democratic and Republican congress members, economists, financial experts and journalists, the “too big to fails” (with help from bank-friendly voices in Congress) are trying to make the bailouts permanent: • Congressman...

    Obama admin sees more U.S. stimulus hiring in 2010

    The Obama administration, facing criticism its economic stimulus plans are failing to halt layoffs, on Tuesday said hiring prompted by the spending would accelerate next year. About half of the $787 billion in stimulus spending has been disbursed or committed, but has so far created or saved...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Is America Finally Starting to Stand Up To Wall Street?

    Washington’s Blog Saturday, Nov 21st, 2009 Are the American people finally starting to stand up to Wall Street? Shareholder Revolt Some of Goldman Sach’s biggest shareholders are demanding that executive compensation be reduced. As the Wall Street Journal notes: Their complaints in private...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Geithner Savaged On Unemployment During Fiery Capitol Hill Hearing

    Burgess tells former New York Fed chief, “You should never have been hired” as Brady calls on Treasury Secretary to resign over Obama’s 7 million jobs deficit Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Thursday, November 19, 2009 Congressman Michael Burgess scalded Treasury Secretary Tim...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Black Tuesday and a Return to Big Government

    Mike Whitney Infowars October 29, 2009 October 29, marks the 80th anniversary of the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the event which most historians point to as the beginning of the Great Depression. On Black Tuesday, traders dumped 16 million shares in one day sending the markets into freefall...
  7. Unhypnotized

    World Currencies To Join In Race To The Bottom

    Bob Chapman The International Forecaster October 26, 2009 The G-20 finance ministers meet in Scotland on November 6th and 7th, and they will all be bleating about the fall in the dollar. France started this week, and the others will follow. Their currencies are rising in value and they do...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Are You Ready for the Next Crisis?

    Paul Craig Roberts Prison Planet.com Monday, Oct 26th, 2009 Evidence that the US is a failed state is piling up faster than I can record it. One conclusive hallmark of a failed state is that the crooks are inside the government, using government to protect and to advance their private...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Anderson Cooper Compares Obama to Nixon, Spotlights Declining Approval Ratings

    Lachlan Markay Newsbusters Saturday, Oct 24th, 2009 How do you know that the White House’s anti-Fox News campaign has gone seriously wrong? When CNN, let alone Anderson Cooper, begins to compare the Obama and Nixon administrations (video embedded below the fold, h/t Mediaite’s Colby Hall)...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Government Leaders Said Bailouts Were Needed Because ?The House Next Door Was Burning

    Washington’s Blog Tuesday, Oct 13th, 2009 Government leaders said that massive bailouts were necessary. Were they right? Bullying Congress The New York Times wrote on July 16th: In retrospect, Congress felt bullied by Mr. Paulson last year. Many of them fervently believed they should not...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Geithner?s Appointment Book: Taking Orders from the International Bankers

    Kurt Nimmo Infowars October 8, 2009 Timothy Geithner, Treasury Secretary, always takes calls from his bankster bosses on Wall Street, according to an Associated Press report. Timothy Geithner is but one of several bankster operatives running the Obama administration...
  12. CASPER

    Bernanke, Geithner clash on consumer protection

    Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke told lawmakers Friday the central bank should remain in charge of consumer financial protection, opposing an administration proposal for a new regulator. Bernanke's comments clashed with those of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who called for support...
  13. R

    Bilderberg meetings remain a mystery

    Related articles: Bilderberg meetings remain a mystery May 17th, 2009 in Bilderberg, Breaking News Bilderberg meetings remain a mystery | Stars and Stripes. Ever hear of Bilderberg? If not, that’s the idea. According to various Web sites, the Bilderberg is an “unofficial, annual...
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    Civilians protest Bilderberg Club meeting

    Civilians protest Bilderberg Club meeting May 17th, 2009 in Bilderberg, Breaking News, The Elite The Associated Press: Greek nationalists protest Bilderberg Club meeting. ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Police heavily guarded a luxury resort in Greece on Saturday where a secretive annual rendezvous of...
  15. R

    The Smooth Criminal Transition from Bush/Cheney to Obama

    The Smooth Criminal Transition from Bush/Cheney to Obama Submitted by Chip on Sun, 2009-04-05 08:07. Congress Criminal Prosecution and Accountability Economy Military Industrial Complex Obama Administration Wall Street The Smooth Criminal Transition from Bush/Cheney to Obama Corrupt new...
  16. R

    Social engineering is Obama's real goal President won't stop at reorganizing GM

    Social engineering is Obama's real goal President won't stop at reorganizing GM By CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER Newsday April 04, 2009 Five minutes of explanation to James Madison, and he'll have a pretty good idea what a motorcar is (basically a steamboat on wheels; the internal...
  17. R

    CFR Unveils Global Governance Agenda

    CFR Unveils Global Governance Agenda By Daniel Taylor, Old-Thinker News The Council on Foreign Relations, often described as the "real state department", has launched an initiative to promote and implement a system of effective world governance. The program, titled "The International...
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    U.S. Backing for World Currency Stuns Markets

    U.S. Backing for World Currency Stuns Markets Sat, 28 Mar 2009 Summary: Here’s a bone for all you new world order and illuminaughty conspiracy theorists. Of course, we all knew this was coming eventually, right? It’s beyond the realm of conspiracy theory, as economists have long posited such a...
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    Stiglitz anticipates new world order

    Stiglitz anticipates new world order By Rupert Walker | 25 March 2009 Professor Joseph Stiglitz opens the Credit Suisse conference by warning that the world can no longer rely on the US consumer, cautioning against weak policy responses and signalling a decline of the US dollar...
  20. R

    Conspiracy Theorists Scrutinize Obama Ties

    Conspiracy Theorists Scrutinize Obama Ties WASHINGTON March 15, 2009 Politico: Many Of The President's Nominees Are Part Of A Secret Elite International Group Known As Bilderbergers WASHINGTON March 15, 2009 Conspiracy theorists point to Gov. Kathleen Sebelius's attendance at...