timothy geithner

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    Obama at the Business Roundtable

    Obama at the Business Roundtable by Tom Eley Global Research, March 15, 2009 World Socialist Web Site - 2009-03-14 On Thursday, President Barack Obama spoke before the Business Roundtable, an organization of leading corporate CEOs. Obama used the opportunity to deliver a paean to American...
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    The Federal Reserve is Bankrupt

    The Federal Reserve is Bankrupt How Did It Happen and What are the Ugly Consequences? by Matthias Chang Global Research, March 10, 2009 Future Fast Forward The Federal Reserve is bankrupt for all intents and purposes. The same goes for the Bank of England! This article will focus...
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    US-China tensions hang over talks

    US-China tensions hang over talks Disputes over an incident at sea and the issue of Tibet are threatening to overshadow talks in Washington between top US and Chinese diplomats. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets counterpart Yang Jiechi later for talks aimed at paving the way for...
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    Obama calls for G20 joint action

    March 11/09 Obama calls for G20 joint action US President Barack Obama has said that countries must take concerted action to spur global economic growth. President Obama was speaking ahead of this weekend's meeting of G20 finance ministers near Horshsam in West Sussex. He said the US had...
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    Turn a Harsh Light Onto the Banks

    Turn a Harsh Light Onto the Banks Posted on Feb 23, 2009 By Eugene Robinson It’s reaching the point where desperate measures—brutal honesty and complete transparency—may be the only way to bring the economy out of its kamikaze dive. If so, this won’t be pretty. A certain amount of...
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    U.S. banks in just 2 weeks 30% less Saturday, February 21, 2009

    U.S. banks in just 2 weeks 30% less Saturday, February 21, 2009 The new U.S. president Obama promised "change" is seems to exist, albeit that he does exactly the same as George Bush, but in a much faster pace. Under Bush lost the banks in the U.S. 30% of their value and Obama, but the last...
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    Taxing times for US tax payers

    BBC REPORTS Taxing times for US tax payers As the deadline for completing a US tax return approaches, the BBC's North America business correspondent, Greg Wood, finds the burden getting him down. People have until 15 April, 2009 to complete their 2008 tax return For the past few weeks I...
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    G7 pledges to avoid protectionism

    G7 pledges to avoid protectionism The US treasury secretary says more international co-operation is needed Leading industrial countries have pledged to avoid protectionism as they battle the global economic crisis. Finance ministers at a G7 meeting in Italy said raising barriers to free...
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    Obama cabinet: Unlucky or naive?

    Feb 13.09 Obama cabinet: Unlucky or naive? By Jonathan Beale BBC News, Washington The US president appears to be struggling to build up his Cabinet Picking a Cabinet? Easier said than done. Just ask Barack Obama. The president came to power with a powerful promise of change and a...
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    Geithner's Plan: It's Not Transparent and It's Still a Bailout

    Geithner's Plan: It's Not Transparent and It's Still a Bailout February 11, 2009, 5:03PM Testifying for a second day before the Senate Budget Committee about the plan he sketched out yesterday to save the banking sector, Tim Geithner promised to inform Congress as quickly as possible if more...
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    super-secret Bilderberg meeting Nov 08

    Guess who’s at super-secret Bilderberg meeting today WND Here is the partial guest list of the current meeting obtained by WorldNetDaily – which includes Senators John Edwards, D-N.C. and Jon Corzine, D-N.J., Henry Kissinger, Richard Perle, Melinda Gates (wife of Bill Gates), David...