
  1. R

    [Video] CANADA - When the $hit goes down? You better be Ready !

    Set well before the recession but in full truth to what is happening in Canada today...........ricklbert CANADA - When the $hit goes down? You better be Ready !
  2. M

    Whats up being critical and moody

    Its my fraternal twin sister(she moved out of our parents house) and my dad. Have to say this isn't the only time it has happen to me or my mom or fraternal twin sister. Anyway, my fraternal twin sister came home, today for our mom's bday. Have to say shes being more critical and moody of...
  3. R

    Hello to every one ........ricklbert

    Hello to every one I hope everybody is doing well today. (It's spring time) .........ricklbert
  4. R

    OBAMA DECEPTION released early today

    March 12/09 Get your copy today of OBAMA DECEPTION released early today well worth ordering........ ricklbert watched it its worth every minute The Obama Deception DVD