
  1. Truth Vibrations

    8 Toxins Hiding In Your Vaccines - Why Take Chances with Your Health?

    I hope you don't want to get any future vaccines after reading this list: Source: 8 toxins hiding in vaccines
  2. R

    [Video] Toxic Trespass - Environmental Links to Children's Health

    Toxic Trespass - Environmental Links to Children's Health Source:YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  3. Unhypnotized

    Canada declares Bisphenol A toxic...!

    Interesting, last Thursday (October 14th 2010) 'Canada became the first country in the world yesterday to declare bisphenol A (BPA) to be a toxic substance that poses risks to human health and the environment. The announcement by the Canadian Health and Environment Ministries confirmed the...
  4. R

    [Video] Toxic Chemicals Lobby: Exclusive Leaked Footage

    Toxic Chemicals Lobby: Exclusive Leaked Footage Source:YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

    The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth - An Environmental Impact Overview

    In this century, we believe we are witnessing the gradual, purposeful demise of the Earth's Natural System. There are those who will debunk/dis-info all that is written regarding the subject of this paper: ChemTrails. What's this? ChemTrails are only a vague description, in lay-terms, of a...