
  1. 100th Monkey

    Hillary Clinton Placed Under House Arrest

    Sunday, March 17, 2013 15:14 $660 TRILLION WORTH OF DERIVATIVES, OH MY! HIGH Treason Traitor Hillary Rodham Clinton UNITED States of America - As Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols implementation remains imminent with an April 1st U.S. Supreme Court ordered deadline, it can now be reported...
  2. R

    Of ALL Government Bureaucrats, the CHINESE Offer Warnings and Advice About Devaluatio

    March 16/09 Of ALL Government Bureaucrats, the CHINESE Offer Warnings and Advice About Devaluation of Dollar and Over-Spending! Economics Federal They're worried about the Treasury Bills and the devaluation of the Dollar through reckless spending. This coming from a communist government to a...