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    [Must See!] Really weird stuff Bleeding trees. By Live free or die Bleeding Trees: An Apocalyptic Sign? The Apocalypse Of Ezra Predicted It I don't know if you consider this Apocalyptic or not but ran across this on Before...
  2. 100th Monkey

    13 Year Old Inventor Cracks Secrets of Tree Collecting Sunlight

    What do trees know that we don't? 13-year-old inventor Aidan Dwyer realized that trees use a mathematical formula to gather sunlight in crowded forests. Then he wondered why we don't collect solar energy in the same way.
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    [Attention] Isaac 50 miles from sinkhole, trees down, people stranded on rooftops

    well, of course haven't heard, I've been peaking in off and on about Assumption Parrish. They have never admitted to the sinkhole situation to my knowledge to begin with. I have incase you haven't noticed, a tendancy to be something of a newshound. Anybody else heard anything about the...

    Goodbye in Slow Motion with Those Trees Waving Back

    Goodbye in Slow Motion with Those Trees Waving Back As if these words could alter wind's lucid course And make the trees wave hello again; As if the wind had something new to bless, Confess; that, finally, today's losses were palpable, explicable Even; as if there were a reason for this...

    Goodbye in Slow Motion with Those Trees Waving Back

    Goodbye in Slow Motion with Those Trees Waving Back As if these words could alter wind's lucid course And make the trees wave hello again; As if the wind had something new to bless, Confess; that, finally, today's losses were palpable, explicable Even; as if there were a reason for this...

    Atlanta Tree Service Company Yellow Ribbon Tree Experts Warns Homeowners of Potential Impact of Ice Damage

    Atlanta tree service company Yellow Ribbon Tree Experts is advising homeowners to remain mindful of the impact winter ice can have on trees and limbs. The recommendation is supported by Yellow Ribbon Tree Experts' wealth of arboriculture experience in Atlanta tree removal, tree trimming, and...

    Jan van de Cappelle’s Winter Scene: An Inventory

    Mostly cloud: a heavy-bundled leaden grey brightening to talcum white or near white so you know snow is coming. People, then, bodies withstanding a wind that whittles everything in its path: flayed trees, broken fence-posts, a few...

    Winter Trees Cough Like Old Men

    Winter Trees Cough Like Old Men Winter trees cough like old men about death's white nightmares while the rain talks in Latin. They cough about the sobbing tragic ash, they bind valises for leaving, they darken—and in the chill of frost from the sun, the lungs bristle to see coffins hidden in...