
  1. Unhypnotized

    Fermi lab may have found new force of nature

    AFP April 7, 2011 WASHINGTON – Data from a major US atom smasher lab may have revealed a new elementary particle, or potentially a new force of nature, one of the physicists involved in the discovery told AFP on Wednesday. The physics world was abuzz with excitement over the findings, which...

    It Was Raining

    It was raining, it was autumn, a girl was in my arms. Perhaps to the east the moon rose over the crest of the mountains; to the south a procession of ghosts came swinging their censors of iron, and somewhere a prickly pear thrust forth its limb of thorns, a lizard dashed under a rock. But...
  3. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ The planet is being swept clean on many levels (28-3)

    For a long time you have asked to see action and although we cannot allow you insight to everything we have done, you are becoming more aware of our part in what is happening worldwide. Along with our allies we are pushing hard to get really started on bringing some matters to completion. We...
  4. Denise

    Messages from Matthew -- March 25, 2011

    Knowledge emerging about manmade quakes, weather manipulation; radiation in Japan, ET assistance; Hatonn: difficulties in dismantling Illuminati-controlled technology; freedom fighters in Arab countries; higher perspective of Libya 1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station...
  5. New UFO Hunter

    NASA Administrator on UFOs and alien life : "rewrite textbooks" soon (VIDEO)

    In the last few hours, several copies of a video have appeared on Youtube with the following titles: "NASA ADMINISTRATOR CHARLES BOLDEN SAYS UFO'S & ALIENS ARE REAL (MARCH 2011)" "NASA ADMINISTRATOR: U.F.O.s ETs very possible! -MARCH 2011" "NASA Administrator admits to Aliens Existing, but...
  6. G

    Are Aliens actually Spiritual beings from a higher plane that will enlighten us spirtually in 2012?

    With more and more UFOs being reported, and the possible disclosure of UFOs and Aliens by the government, I have come across 4 amazing videos that may reveal all in...
  7. W

    UFOOOO's are real!!!!???

    Im not talking about unidentified objects like kite or etc. Im reffering to UFO's from other planets of another galaxy or Alien. UFO's are real. period. those who say UFO's arent real are ignorant. or maybe they are involve in cover-up.Check this guy who is sentenced for 70 years in prison for...
  8. L

    Why does the government hide secrets about falling objects from the sky (UFOs)?

    Like Rosewell New Mexico, Needles California, Kecksburg,Pennsylvania and many others. Why doesn't the military or government or NASA tell us it was just a satellite, a missile (Russian?) or our own technology crashing down on Earth? So what's so important that the military or secret agencies...
  9. V

    How do skeptics feel about The Disclosure Project?

    Over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses are testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology and the cover-ups that keep this information secretDo skeptics believe1) The witnesses are mistaken2) The witnesses are not...
  10. J

    are aliens real ? .. if so do u tthink that we'll have E't disclosure?

    personally i dont think the usa Government or any other governments will announce such thing .. it will just cause Mass panic .but personally if the government doesn't say anythin... Et's will though . reason why i'm askin u this question, I'm just curious wot other people think about this...
  11. G

    Just found out we're not alone in the universe. Can this possibly be true?

    Its long, but I didn't have to watch much. Over 300 government officials from 7 different countries, with full credentials, willing to testify.OBVIOUSLY I was skeptical, but I looked around, and its been on CNN. I do imagine that this has been out for at least 2 years, but I've never even heard...
  12. V

    Whats your opinion or suggestion on my intro paragraph?

    Extraterrestrial Disclosure Not Advisable“I’m not at liberty to discuss the governments knowledge of extraterrestrial UFO’s at this time. I am still personally being briefed on the subject!” said ex President Richard M. Nixon.Some of the United States top secret extraterrestrial information is...
  13. G

    Hypothetical Situation-Alien Disclosure?

    The date is sometime in 2011 and a breaking news announcement interrupts basic cable TV. Top government and science officials disclose the fact that not only are we not alone in the Universe, but extraterrestrial visitors have been engaging this planet for centuries. Okay, so the cat is out of...
  14. D

    Will Time Travel to the past ever be physically possible?

    I need good answers because its my greatest fantasy. Will it ever be possible for a human being to travel back in time? If so how could it possibly be done?
  15. F

    What happens to time when you travel at lightspeed?

    Is that how time travel is possible?
  16. W

    For those who deny UFO's?

    For everyone out there who passes off every UFO sighting as people just looking for attention, what's your retort to all the testimonials by former government staff who have confessed with all seriousness that they have worked with, seen and investigated extraterrestrial craft? I've looked at...
  17. anonymous1

    What is faster if you are infinitely fast or time travel?

    i mean literally infinitely fast, there is no limit but he cant time travel with his speed what is faster the guy that is infinitely fast. or the guy that could go so fast he could travel forward and backward threw time?
  18. Denise

    SaLuSa: We cannot help you unless you are prepared to help yourselves (18-3)

    Contact: We cannot help you unless you are prepared to help yourselves (18-3) SaLuSa 18-March-2011 As the full affects of the earthquake are being felt in Japan, so it is focusing people’s attention upon it due to the vast damage, loss of life and potential for even more after shocks...
  19. Denise

    SaLuSa: Contact: We cannot help you unless you are prepared to help yourselves (18-3)

    Contact: We cannot help you unless you are prepared to help yourselves (18-3) SaLuSa 18-March-2011 As the full affects of the earthquake are being felt in Japan, so it is focusing people’s attention upon it due to the vast damage, loss of life and potential for even more after shocks...
  20. Denise

    From the supreme commander of project earth transition

    FROM THE SUPREME COMMANDER OF PROJECT EARTH TRANSITION Greetings, my child. I am Sananda, the one and same that you were taught to call Jesus Christ. Though this is not my name, and never was, labels matter very little for we are all but different patterns of energy and, however you call upon...